TrustRadius is an excellent source of product reviews to help make informed purchasing decisions

Overall Satisfaction with TrustRadius for Buyers

I've submitted reviews for TrustRadius in the past and so I was familiar with TrustRadius's system of soliciting reviews, being fair-minded and asking pointed questions to generate informed and valuable content for reviews along with the ability to provide completely honest answers. Most recently, I had to decide on the purchase of a project & client management software that I had the opportunity to subscribe to at a discount. TrustRadius reviews were incredibly helpful in determining if the product was indeed as good as it claimed and if the price was actually the bargain it claimed to be.


  • Provides detailed questions to encourage reviewers to provide very informative reviews
  • Requires a minimum amount of words for each response so as to ensure that the information being provided is thorough enough for readers to make an informed decision.
  • The review process is multiple steps and not just a couple of open ended questions. It is quite detailed.


  • I've had some weird issues signing in sometimes (I sign in with my LinkedIn login). Just a bug I imagine, but it's still there sometimes.
  • I've had reviews not published by TrustRadius, and when I inquired as to why, I was sent very vague responses via form emails about the review violating terms and conditions. If there is a specific policy or reason, it should be stated. I shouldn't have to send a follow-up email to find out what exactly was not in line (which I've also found to be quite arbitrary sometimes). This is unfortunate because it may leave out a perfectly good review for buyers to make an informed decision.
  • Sometimes (but not often) I can't find reviews for a product that I'm looking for.
These days, most vendors are pretty upfront about pricing. Nobody likes to dig too deeply to have to figure out what something costs. When they're not however, it can be good to check out reviewer pricing ratings on TrustRadius and also to see how the pricing compares to competitor products.
I've used G2 and Capterra in the past as well, but aside from those and TrustRadius, not any other review sites. In my opinion, they all offer pretty much the same type of information albeit, presented in a slightly different way. TrustRadius has a knack for making reviewers dig deep and go in-depth on the product reviews so there can be more information available than you might find elsewhere.
I generally use product ratings and scores as a means of deciding which reviews to click on and read. I often like to see why a reviewer gave a product a full 5 stars, or maybe only 2 stars. I like to find out what it is about a product that caused a reviewer to give such an overall rating. I don't always choose the product with the highest rating. It's worth digging deeper.
My biggest challenge when evaluating products and deciding whether to invest time and money is finding reviews by users that own or work in businesses like my own. A product review can be glowing, however that review may have been written by a user working in a business completely different that my own. It may very well be that the product would in fact be a terrible option for my business. It can be hard to figure out if a review of a product is applicable to my business.
The reviews tend to be spot on. While some of them are not necessarily completely in-depth, there always seem to be enough that can provide a great amount of detail to make sure that an informed purchasing decision can be made. This is really where TrustRadius shines - good reviews by trusted reviewers.


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