TrustRadius: reviews that change the way I buy my software
September 11, 2018

TrustRadius: reviews that change the way I buy my software

Angel Posani | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with TrustRadius for Buyers

The business I'm involved with is farming production, specifically cattle and farming products. We keep the business under control by taking notes and I'm looking for a system that I can use to update the data daily. We want to change from a manual counting system to an automatic system that allow us to have better results in terms of accounting control of the business. We are looking for an accounting system, and we are trying to buy either SAP or Salesforce. This change give us the biggest step to keep the business going on. My role is to identify the system that will more accurately fit into our every day work, and identify the obstruction points we need to improve in order to get the system implemented smoothly.
  • To understand my options (i.e. build my short list or long list)
  • To compare products
  • To see what other users think of the product I am currently using
Information from users about a software product I might need is very important when I think we're going to invest in new software to improve business performance. Having user perspectives of each software helps us advance towards our final selection. If we were to just try two or more software products, the business data would have to be transferred once or twice until we reach our selection. With the information on TrustRadius, we already have advance information and all we need to do is focus on just two software to decide between, two economic options.
I like to know what is the use of the software, what's the most significant advantage the software gives, and what are the most common difficulties in using the software. With all this information I can get a big picture view of the software and how I could use it, whether or not it's what I'm looking for, and how I might deal with the difficulties that are spectated.
The review value is huge, because at this moment I'm in the process of selecting a new software system, and I need to get a very good idea of how the software behaves, the very best performing aspects and the particularities. I need to decide whether to invest in a support team or not. And having access to reviews impacts my process in a positive way because it gives me an entire view of any software I want to invest in - pricing, computer requirements, internet connection and internal system configuration requirements, etc.


  • Have lots of software to search for.
  • Gives me a lot of data for any software I'm looking for.
  • I understand the information because the people writing reviews are like me.


  • There are software products that are not listed, or that have no user information.
  • The writing of reviews is very extended. There are several parts on each review and sometimes a short version is better.
Most of the time, the resources I use are the information that software providers give us about to use the software and the possibilities to reach its best potential. But then I compare this information with the information from user reviews to understand the real possibilities the software can reach. They complement each other to give me a comprehensive understanding of the everyday work, the needs of the software, and the spectated results for my company.
I think my experience with TrustRadius is very good. I search lots of software, and most of the time I find the products needed and I have the opportunity to compare the possible solutions and make the final decision for any software I'm looking for. But I think every review site has its pros and cons, there's no one that's better than others.
The reason I gave this rating is that I'm able to find most of the software I'm looking for and read reviews about it. This gives me an advantage - to go straight to the software that better suits my interest, and move forward.

The very best tip I can give other buyers is that every person's perspective is different, but when there are several reviews with the same information, that's valuable and probably means it's true.


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