Disruption in Data Services - Unveiling the true potential of Treasure Data
January 22, 2018

Disruption in Data Services - Unveiling the true potential of Treasure Data

Cody Jannetti | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Treasure Data

We use Treasure Data within our mobile games to track in-app events. The entire company uses the data however the major use is within monetization. Treasure Data’s platform is very much misunderstood. TD is not just a cloud storage or hosted middleware solution, it is an entire information management platform which offers cradle to grave data services from ETL to Stats. TD SDK + Digdag + TD workflow + TD storage + TD Connections + TD machine learning = IT/BI/DA off the shelf


  • It is reliable- uptime is 99.99%
  • Job processing is easy
  • The new workflow tool is outstanding. It allows various data processing options with extensive metadata surrounding the success of the workflow. 100% dynamic including options for parallel processing jobs. One of the best features in my option. And with digdag
  • Easy integration


  • Td needs to focus on increased processing speed. Not by adding more resources but rather indexing partitioning or allowing primary keys outside of time.
  • What Treasure Data offers requires a change of mindset with a focus on the big picture. I believe it is largely misunderstood. More education and really- you need a solution architect to ask how the technology is used and not why.
  • Data mapping from their sdk to Treasure Data should be more flexible.
  • Positive impacts have been within monetization as we are now able to manage ad partners and marketing more efficiently.
  • Td saved money due to not buying hardware and storage internally. Storing 100tb+ is very expensive elsewhere
  • Stand up time for TD was 1000% less than other options
  • Digdag workflow as etl management
This is where everything gets lost in translation. There is not a competitor that offers an end to end data services solution capable of managing etl , end-user adhoc usage, data delivery, warehousing, app sdk, WORKFLOW with digdag and so much more. Let’s not forget that all this sits on Hadoop storage designed to easily manage terabytes of data. On Treasure Data’s platform. We have close to 100tb in use daily.
Treasure Data is meant to be used for large data. If your collecting over 100gb of data daily Treasure Data is your plan form to support. The best scenario is to connect Treasure Data directly to the source of data. Relaying data from source to internal then to Treasure Data is not recommended.

Using Treasure Data


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