Tout needs to speed up, but meets some of the feature requirements people look for
April 09, 2019

Tout needs to speed up, but meets some of the feature requirements people look for

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 5 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Tout

While recently working at a popular software company, I used Tout as an individual salesperson and later as a program manager, trainer, and sales QA manager for a large inbound sales team.

The team used Tout primarily to do 4 things:
  1. To track leads opening emails and clicking links.
  2. Connect our email and CRM to log email activities onto Leads and Contacts.
  3. Use pre-written email templates instead of copying and pasting from a separate document.
  4. Set calendar appointments with leads through the app.


  • Track leads opening emails and clicking links. We could easily see if a lead forwarded an email to a large group of people for instance, because the stats would show it.
  • Connect our email and CRM to log email activities onto Leads and Contacts.
  • Keep users inside of our email system instead of copying and pasting email templates from multiple places.


  • Slows down your system. When we removed all other tools from our workflow, Tout kept our computers running extremely slowly. This created a net neutral impact on productivity.
  • Buggy interface. Sometimes activities didn't fully log in Salesforce, and the calendar system wasn't easy to use.
  • Templates were hard to standardize formatting. Our reps needed to re-format every email when they set up a template.
  • Positive: reps can stay inside of their email instead of unproductively navigating between multiple applications when contacting a lead.
  • Negative: the slowness of the app, and the bugginess, decreases productivity to create a new neutral impact.
What I've used:
  1. CirrusInsight: logging emails to our CRM, tracking stats and link clicks, and using templates. This tool ended up being a much more productive option for our team, and had more features than Tout offered. Cirrus was also a much faster tool to use instead of slowing down our machines like Tout does.
  2. Salesforce Inbox: see features above. This also has not slowed down our machines.
  3. Gmail: features like canned responses and Snooze email. Gmail doesn't directly offer logging emails to a CRM or tracking open/click stats.
Dropbox Business, Salesforce for Higher Ed, Zendesk
  1. Slower environments where Tout covers all your needs, without needing any other add-on applications.
Less appropriate:
  1. High volume, fast environments in which you cannot sacrifice your speed or efficiency.
  2. Environments in which Tout does not satisfy all the technical needs you're looking for from an application like this (if you need another plugin).


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