Todoist is one my critical apps without which I cannot start and finish each day
April 14, 2021

Todoist is one my critical apps without which I cannot start and finish each day

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Todoist: To-Do List & Task Manager

I have used [Todoist: To-Do List & Task Manager] for over 7 years to track my business and personal tasks and I introduced it to my executive team a few years ago. The reason for my roll-out to this team was to be able to delegate critical tasks and to track their status on a daily basis. These were the top 10 to 15 tasks that needed to be addressed by our division at any given time and Todoist helped me to improve my reporting to corporate management on their status.


  • Being able to manage tasks across multiple devices and platforms is absolutely critical to me. If I am out of the office, the tasks will be on my phone. But they are also readily accessible on the web, on my desktop, and on my iPad.
  • There are several ways to organize your tasks... via Projects, Labels, Boards, Lists, etc. that allow users to use Todoist to fit their productivity workflow. I use them all and I have been delighted to see how Todoist has continued to improve and advance the Todoist application over the years.
  • I rely extensively on recurring tasks which allow me to never forget a birthday, monthly submission, chore at home, etc. Todoist offers many ways to manage recurring tasks, such as, "every week", "every April 8", "every fourth Thursday in November", etc.


  • The Todoist application now works almost identically across all platforms. There is a minor improvement that I would like to see on iOS and that is the ability to show task count by custom filter.
  • In Board view, I want to be able to easily add sub-tasks to a parent task.
  • Besides those two minor improvements, I am extremely happy with the application.
  • The various ways that tasks can be managed (i.e. Projects, Labels, Filters, Boards, Lists, Comments, etc.) provide the ultimate flexibility to users.
  • Todoist is available on any possible platform with the same functionality, look, and feel accross all platforms.
  • The introduction of Boards is a key improvement for businesses and individuals to manage their tasks.
  • Recurring tasks is critical for me.
  • Todoist allows for the integration to other key applications, such as Evernote, through other apps, like Pleexy, Zapier, IFTTT, etc. I rely heavily on this functionality to capture tasks that I have recorded in Evernote that are then automatically sent to Todoist.
  • Todoist has improved my responsiveness to upper management, customers, etc. as I never lose track of my open issues.
  • Todoist has improved my team's ability to manage our key open issues.
  • There are no negative impacts to using Todoist.
In late 2013 / early 2014, our company was moving from Blackberry to iPhone. The to-do list application that I had been using for many years on Blackberry did not have an iOS version, so I needed to find another tool. Besides Todoist, I evaluated Wunderlist,, and TickTick. Todoist's features and flexibility were superior to the others and I haven't regretted the decision since.

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[Todoist: To-Do List & Task Manager] is a great tool to manage an individual's business and personal tasks. It is a very good tool for business managers to manage their tasks as well as the delegation of tasks. In this scenario, Todoist will work well for business teams. Todoist's introduction of Boards now allows individuals and teams, that use Kanban and similar methods, to manage their projects. There are other applications that have more developed board project management tools, so Todoist may choose to continue to evolve the Boards feature.


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