Data Science can save time in exploration of large datasets
January 11, 2018

Data Science can save time in exploration of large datasets

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Spotfire Data Science

At my current company, TIBCO Data Science is being used by at least two senior scientists that are located in different departments. Those senior scientists (including myself) use the software to answer analytical questions about issues related to water quality, toxicology, conservation biology, and other areas in support of our public and private sector clients. At my previous company, I managed several junior staff who were also TIBCO Data Science users for the same types of questions, but the cost of the software is a handicap toward getting more junior users at my current company.


  • It can run batch statistics for multiple parameters and stations with one button click, as long as the data are set up correctly. It is a major time saver.
  • Its graphics are usually much more editable than other statistical software, except for those that need programming.
  • It has a very good "textbook" that gives the ins and outs of each analysis. Other software may use a generic test name without giving the specific references for the formulas that it is based on.


  • Although the graphics can be copied into Word or Excel, the copying and pasting process is buggy. Sometimes I basically have to do a Capture Rectangle of a graphic and paste it as a jpg, rather than having an embedded and editable graphic in my Word document.
  • The dialog boxes for some of the common tests, like multiple regression and ANOVA, use quirky terminology that is not intuitive to new users coming out of grad school with a more updated education. I have been using it for over ten years, and the dialogs have not updated in all of that time.
  • The tests like NMDS and PCA are clunky and difficult to use and get the appropriate outputs, especially compared to specialized software like PRIMER.
  • For exploring large datasets with minimal set-up time, it works very well. There is no programming needed, and the graphics can be made to look professional with some editing. This helps stay within budget for data analysis.
  • If both senior and junior staff have access to the software, then senior staff can explore and decide on the final analysis and junior staff can make the manual tweaks needed for the final product.
  • SAS, S-Plus, PRIMER, R program and MATLAB
In the past, cost, ease of use, and versatility were what made me choose Data Science. However, the cost concern may be leading my company to pursue solutions like R programming instead.
It is good for exploring data and producing a large number of similar analyses for groups of stations and parameters. It is also helpful for projects that produce similar graphics each year with just minor data updates because the graphs can be rerun with minimal clicking. It does not work as well for specialized analyses and transparency of certain choices in the parameters that are being chosen in the background.

Using Spotfire Data Science

2 - Senior and Expert Scientists
I have never spoken to a Data Science support person.
  • Exploratory data analysis of water quality data
  • Impact analysis for environmental data
The company is hesitant to spend this much on software. They are primarily an engineering firm, and they don't understand the use of analytical software for environmental professionals.


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