Spotfire for BI - WIN
March 04, 2016

Spotfire for BI - WIN

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with TIBCO Spotfire Platform

We had some key individuals in accounting and operations that were looking for a way to view and compare data from several different databases in one location and be able to enhance those results visually to appeal to the C-Level. After spending weeks looking for the right product we tried Spotfire and knew that we had found the product that would serve our needs. We started off with 1 stand alone license and quickly grew to 5 licenses. This year we will be expanding to a network model with 20+ licenses. Our C-Level was impressed with the different ways we were able to compare data and highlight the key areas that are important to them. From simple scatterplot charts to detailed heat maps, Spotfire does it all for us. Spotfire provides numerous free classes, seminars, and webinars to help you learn the program and start off quickly. We were able to hit the ground running, connect to multiple sources like our MSSQL2012 Database, a Postgre SQL DB, some Excel files, and an access DB. There is no question, if you need the business intelligence and in-depth analytics, Spotfire is the program for you.


  • Spotfire easily connects to multiple sources to pull data into a project and can be saved so you don't have to connect to those sources again.
  • Spotfire gives you plenty of templates to choose from or you can make your own visual chart.
  • Spotfire gives you plenty of options to export your data to be readable and accessible by anyone in the company.


  • We would have liked to have seen more of a tutorial or video when you open the program for the first time.
We have tried IBM's Cognos and it was too much and too difficult for what we wanted. We also tried Tableau and although we did like the visual capabilities, it did not seem to give as much in-depth "meat on the bone" as Spotfire did. Ultimately Spotfire was the perfect combination of easy to use and in-depth analysis.
Our company is pulling data from 4 different data sources, 2 types of SQL, 1 Excel table, and some access databases, and Spotfire did this without any issue. It kept the built reports updated when we needed it and with no lag time. Soon we will be pulling data from 8 different sources and I am sure Spotfire can easily handle it.
We share data frequently across other departments efficiently and easily with the security options that are given by Spotfire. We also export out the data into shareable formats such as PDF and this helps provide the reports to the people that do not have Spotfire. Spotfire makes this an easy process.
For any company that needs to gather, evaluate, and compare data from multiple departments, Spotfire is the perfect option. You can use Excel to tap into multiple sources and give a basic pie chart but the type of knowledge required to do that is not for your every day Excel user. This program can do the same thing easier, and give you drastically more options.

TIBCO Spotfire Platform Support

From the day we showed interest through now, Spotfire's support has been impeccable. The sales and information team hung with us through trials and meetings to get us to commit for 1 license. After that we quickly learned the power of the program and expanded our licenses. We also were appreciative of being able to contact support through the initial setup and configuration learning.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
No - Because of the excellent training and free information that Spotfire provides, we haven't had to use Spotfire for premium support. We also might not be doing that advanced type of work or reporting yet. For now though that should give an idea on how great Spotfire is on getting you started.


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