TIBCO BusinessWorks Review by Leonardo Cruz Mesa
Updated May 05, 2021

TIBCO BusinessWorks Review by Leonardo Cruz Mesa

Leonardo Cruz | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with TIBCO Cloud Integration (including BusinessWorks and Scribe)

TIBCO BusinessWorks is an agile solution for integration needs, allowing you to have real time information for strategic decision making. With TIBCO BW, organizations can take their IT Architectures to an SOA Architecture, allowing them to improve their business processes, and allowing companies to have a digital transformation. A main item of TIBCO Cloud Integration, which allows small and medium enterprises to use the product in an elastic architecture.


  • It is a product that allows distributed solutions that complies with SOA principles
  • With the principle of non-code, it helps companies have more agility and better understand their processes and fulfill the business objectives.
  • Manage real-time information for new business decision-making strategies


  • There are few customers with the product in my country Colombia. So the potential of the platform is not known.
  • Not much documentation for independent developers.
  • If the implementation of BW is well designed, it will allow one to obtain a tangible ROI. If the implementation is not well done, it is possible to delay in obtaining the ROI, but that is no fault of the BW platform.
  • TIBCO Cloud Integration como se enfoca en una solucion PAAS, da un apoyo en ROI porque no se debe hacer una gran inversion inicial para poder generar beneficios al negocio.
  • TIBCO Cloud Integration Reduce the time to have an integration solution without the complications of a traditional integration architecture.
  • TIBCO Cloud Integration es una solucion que soporta la implementacion de arquitecturas de microservicios.

Unfortunately, in Colombia there are very few clients with TIBCO, so it limits the use of TIBCO Cloud Integration, but it has been used to perform POCs and check the functionality and value of this new integrated cloud solution.
By analyzing a TIBCO BW with a RedHat Fuse or an IBM Bus message broker, TIBCO BW complies with the no-code concept, which allows for greater agility by obtaining time-to market and ROI.
For the specific case TIBCO Cloud Integration, Appian has been managed but this product is more exclusively oriented to the orchestration of business processes. In the case of Axwey, it was a product that was evaluated and provides a service very close to TIBCO Cloud Integration, in the implementation of integration services, mediation mechanisms and publication of services. Note in the evaluation costs was a key item where Axwey handled cheaper prices for the case study of the client.
  • Price
  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Prior Experience with the Product
  • Vendor Reputation
  • Existing Relationship with the Vendor

In the case of Colombia, the representation of the product within the country is evaluated, as well as the number of suppliers and qualified personnel. Another item of value is the ability to train resources within organizations is a very important item when choosing and the transfer of knowledge is an issue that affects the ROI since if the client does not have qualified personnel, making constant investments New implementations make the product not profitable.

  • Enable the possibility of developing Flogo microservices.
  • The functionality of being able to implement Machine Learning

TIBCO Cloud Integration, allows the optimization of the operational overload of IT, and organizations should not be concerned about IT elements such as servers, operating systems, firewalls, etc., as well as not generated on maintenance costs the administration of a TIBCO BW onpremise. TIBCO Cloud Integration helps to improve the availability of the integration resource, allowing the use of IT resources in real business needs and obtaining a real ROI.

Unfortunately in Colombia it has not been possible to make a real implementation of TIBCO Cloud Integration, but in the POCs that have been made, an improvement has been felt since the only fact of not having to do an installation of TIBCO BW but it is simply ready to use and in a matter of minutes one can deploy an integration service ready to be used in a productive environment.
Agile Platform for SOA Implementation, In strategy of encapsulating legacy systems is the best alternative, It offers different adapters that do not need coding. For horizontal growth scenarios BW is listed, as well as load-balancing or fault-tolerant strategists for business environments that need business continuity to failures. As well as the ceter of monitoring and traceability as security are covered.

TIBCO Integration (including BusinessWorks and Flogo) Feature Ratings

Pre-built connectors
Support for real-time and batch integration
Monitoring console

Requirement & Considerations

One of the main criteria offered by TIBCO CI or BW is the speed in creating solutions under the principle of no code. Given this, you can have business solutions in a very short time with quality and good business practices.
It is difficult to indicate other IPaaS solutions since there is not much competition in this type of services, since many organizations have seen the need to mount an IaaS solution to be able to install integration products. It is also important that TIBCO CI not only offers APIs layer but also allows solving many integration and interoperability challenges by applying standards.
From my point of view, this growth model is very oriented to internet-scale business models, and here is a strength of TIBCO CI given that being an IPaaS solution it allows to have elasticity strategies, and step by use that allow these prepared for unexpected consumption peaks, also the speed of construction of integration solutions allow to generate multiple business pilots in production environments so that marketing teams can evaluate results in a very agile way.

Evaluating TIBCO Cloud Integration (including BusinessWorks and Scribe) and Competitors


To choose TIBCO Cloud Integration, there are several criteria where this platform provides added value, such as the agility of generation of integration and interoperability solutions, the adequate management of autonomy provided by the architecture to support the workloads. In the case of support, the great experience and support generated by TIBCO is provided.
For this type of decision, the advantage that TIBCO CI has is that it appears in Gartner, the second scenario is the strength of the manufacturer in this case TIBCO in solutions of this type.

In the technical aspects, the ease of generating solutions must be taken into account and being able to automate it under DevOps strategies to be able to offer solutions to the business areas in a very agile way.

Learnings and Advice

A very interesting aspect of TIBCO Cloud Integration, is that only from the development environment (TIBCO Business Studio ™ for BusinessWorks ™) which is native to TIBCO BW 6 developers, it allows to deploy services with just 2 or 3 clicks, This demonstrates the degree of usability where you have an agility that is obtained with few products.

Easily TIBCO 6 projects onpremis, you can migrate to a TIBCO Cloud Integration solution in a matter of a few days.

NOTE: It is important in the construction to apply the good practices of TIBCO implementation.

Prior to using the product it is recommended:

Have a clear architecture as expected to use TIBCO Cloud ™ Integration from business needs, not use it for fashion but to solve a strategic business need.

Having a previously trained team, the majority of project failures is because the technical team is not adequately trained and can take longer than expected in the promise of value or deliver integration services with many bugs or with implementations that degrade the platform.

Having a DEVOPS approach and government considerations from the beginning.

TIBCO Community is the cornerstone for general implementations of TIBCO is a source of knowledge and lessons learned that gives a lot of value to projects. The marotia of the nocomimento is technical but there are also issues of architecture and infrastructure of TIBCO products.

In general I have learned so many things from TIBCO Community that it would be a very long list.

Have clarity in Services and microservices architecture and its anatomy.

Have clarity in business requirements and integration needs.

Having a strong knowledge in XSD (Xpath and XSLT), knowledge in the anatomy of WSDL, Knowledge in JSON and REST services and a very valuable asset is TIBCO EMS and event concepts and messaging management and design solutions. highly decoupled.

It would not change much, there are few platforms that give the potential of Cloud Integration where to focus a business architecture on an iPAAS model with cultural challenges but, with the benefits provided by Cloud Integration, it is easy to overcome them with the promise of value. Prices are very important for Latin American countries, and the second item is ease and improvements in training costs.

Using TIBCO Cloud Integration core features

- Graphical interface, at this point when developing it is a graphical interface oriented to configure and not develop properties from TIBCO BW5 and 6. The benefit of TIBCO Business Studio ™ for BusinessWorks ™ is very easy when making deployments.

- The different connectors ready to configure and use support a ROI because there is no need to make investments to make integrations.

- It is ready for the approach of a microservice-oriented architecture and using the Microgateway properly allows an elastic architecture ready to scale to meet the needs of the business.

In the case of micro services, it would have been very useful to have had prior knowledge since what one does is to develop with a TIBCO BW 6 onpremise approach and does not explore the options offered for these requirements by an implementation in TIBCO Flogo which is optimized for the generation of microservices.

It is important to note that not many providers provide the service in the cloud as it is offering TIBCO Cloud Integration. The most important point is based on the strong bases that TIBCO uses, based on the motto not development or little development and an approach to configuration. In the case of TIBCO Cloud Integration, it is combined with an IPAAS where customers can realize the speed of development with the possibility of making deployments ready for productive environments without having to worry about infrastructure, that is really thinking about the ROI of customers.

Using TIBCO Cloud Integration (including BusinessWorks and Scribe)

3 - 

The main concept is to have clarity in the properties that SOA and Microservices architectures have and how they can be materialized through TIBCO Cloud Integration, the second is to have clarity of good practices in messaging definition (XSD or JSON) and what It can happen with messaging in integration flows.

Also in our case have strong knowledge in and TIBCO BW 5 and 6.

  • Isolate integrations with third parties
  • Integrations that require scalability scalability for processing peaks

Benefits of using cloud integration mechanisms allow flexibility and growth possibilities within organizations, generating an almost immediate ROI because to increase they do not make any extra effort or cost. Also the saving in infrastructure and maintenance of the same, additionally the added value of availability provides TIBCO Cloud Integration
It supports the tenquility of having a partner like TIBCO in the operational management of companies.

TIBCO Cloud Integration (including BusinessWorks and Scribe) Implementation

Yes - This type of implementation is important to carry out in phases and more specific business objectives always focused on temporary victories. TIBCO Cloud Integration helps this model of implication since a solution can be modularized allowing to manage up to strategies of having multiple teams carrying out parallel implementations since the platform allows to apply this type of strategies.

Change management was a major issue with the implementation - 

When you start managing cloud implementations, a crucial fact sheet is change management as there can be multiple cultural problems, that the best way to handle them is through change management.

Also the change in the modeling of architecture of the services is very important, since it is no longer modeled in an onpremis model but cloud where the possibilities of reusing or managing flexible scalability are new challenges that must be managed in a platform like TIBCO Cloud Integration

  • Ignorance in FLOGO and what can be done with this product.
  • Firewal permit requests with internal components of the organization such as web services and databases.

TIBCO Cloud Integration (including BusinessWorks and Scribe) Support

Not Available

In the case of TIBCO BW 5 and 6, the support obtained with TIBCO has been excellent. It is important for the support to be able to properly convey the inconvenience that helps them with the support. It is also important that employers comply with standards and good practic
es of involvement.
They leverage on platforms to handle adequate traceability of cases.
They request enough information to be able to deal with the case in an efficient efficient way.

Attention always handle excellent customer service.

Unfortunately, the use in TIBCO Cloud ™ Integration has been using the FREE platform since in Colombia we do not have clintes for this reason we have not required to use the support.

In the case of TIBCO BW 5 and 6 it has been excellent.

Using TIBCO Cloud Integration (including BusinessWorks and Scribe)

Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Well integrated
Feel confident using
Lots to learn
  • Maintaining the use of TIBCO Business Studio ™ for BusinessWorks ™ helped a lot in continuing the implementation model
  • Being able to deploy from TIBCO Business Studio to the Cloud is really an advantage
  • It is important to have prior knowledge of at least some TIBCO BW product.
  • There are languages ​​that require research to take advantage, such as TIBCO FLOGO
From its web administrative interface that provides added value for administrators, such as its development platform which is very intuitive, TIBCO Cloud Integration offers many benefits but it is important that the personnel using the product be previously trained in architecture as a definition Inadequate can make TIBCO Cloud Integration more complex to use or does not comply with the specifics.


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