Great Tool For Project Management
Updated January 10, 2020

Great Tool For Project Management

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Teamwork Projects

Teamwork Projects is being used by everyone in our company. It's our main project management tool and we're using it to manage client projects as well as internal projects. It's a great way to centralize all your efforts in one place so you can analyze capacity, stay on top of the projects and ensure everything gets done on time.


  • It's easy to use and pretty straightforward. It's hierarchy allows for simple yet effective project organization.
  • It has integrated time tracking, helping you manage your team and utilization.
  • You can share/upload files straight in TeamWork to streamline the project.
  • You can easily customize it with different tags, boards, and milestones that you create for yourself and your team.


  • Time tracking can glitch sometimes, causing issues with reporting.
  • There's no way to see your team's capacity when you add a project and the time required to complete it. That'd be an amazing feature.
  • Given that it saves us a lot of time with project management, it's definitely having a positive ROI on our business.
  • Everyone on the team knows exactly what's expected from them and what are their deadlines and milestones.
  • Saving task templates allows you to speed up your services and be more efficient, and more profitable as a result.
It's really easy to use, but it includes almost everything you need in a project management tool. Even the non-tech members of our team had no issues with learning ins and outs of it, and are using it daily. The one thing I'd like to see is a better mobile app, which is why I scored it with 9/10.
There's a lot of how-to materials available and those were enough for our team to get a deep understanding of the tool. When they're experiencing technical difficulties, they usually announce that right away, and keep everyone regularly updated.
Teamwork is definitely an upgrade when compared to Basecamp or Trello. It has more customizing capabilities, time tracking, file sharing, messaging and much more. The nifty feature is being able to give your clients selective access, so they can follow the progress without seeing internal communication, for example.
It's a great tool for project management. You'll be able to learn how to use it pretty quickly, the dashboards are very intuitive and the user's experience is overall very good. It's a great tool for marketing agencies or anyone wanting to organize their projects. I'd say it's a mid-level tool -it's not as robust as Jira, for example, but also much more comprehensive than Basecamp or similar tools. Feature Ratings

Task Management
Gantt Charts
Document Management
Email integration
Mobile Access
Integration with accounting software
Not Rated


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Nick Marsh
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