Flexible. Scalable. Consistent. The one stop solution for your financial reporting needs.
Updated March 26, 2021

Flexible. Scalable. Consistent. The one stop solution for your financial reporting needs.

Alessandro Mantini | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • CPM

Overall Satisfaction with Wolters Kluwer (CCH Tagetik)

CCH Tagetik is used for the drafting of the group's consolidated financial statement by the statutory financial statement office and the budgeting,planning and controlling department. It is also used by our accounting department for the publishing of the annual report for the single legal entities within the group. Minor implementations includes tools for financial planning, VAT, cash pooling processes management beside other controlling applications. Finally, CCH Tagetik is the feeding application for some compliance procedures such as ERM and L. 262. Recently we have covered "the last mile of finance" by implementing the Collaborative Office tool to manage the MS Word document. We have also started a new project of ESEF filing automation with the implementation of CoreFiling add-on for CDM.


  • Data entry procedures. The integration with MS Office suite applications made data entry activities easy like filling an Excel spreadsheet, with the only difference that any detail is stored in a consistent database which can be easily analysed.
  • Reporting utilities. For the same reason the reporting tool makes data report and analysis easy and faster than before.
  • The consolidation processes can be easily controlled thanks to a work flow utility which shows the main steps of the process and the state of completion validated by any single user.
  • Data quality and auditability. Data are stored in a solid a consistent DB structure which contains also all the details suitable for any system audit need.
  • ETL tools can be easily customized, thus allowing a fast incorporation of new companies into the consolidation perimeter with a specific ETL routine.
  • A specific feature of CCH Tagetik let you create multiple scenarios in which you can vary for the same period the consolidation perimeter. This is very useful if you are looking for implementing what-if analysis tool or you need to make restatements to your previous closing.
  • Collaborative Office tool to manage and draft the MS Word document end extract the iXBRL file in line with ESMA reccomandations.


  • The communication between users on the same platform could be improved by means of a private chat system. It seems that they have worked on it and included in the last version.
  • Less time spent on data entry and report creation procedures.
  • More time spent on data analysis.
  • Less time for computing data.
  • Incorporation of multiple compliance procedures (such as SOX and ERM) on the same platform, avoiding duplicated analysis.
With reference to those products, CCH Tagetik showed to be more flexible and had minor impacts on user interface experience, allowing us to obtain the reporting package we were looking for.
Tagetik has a complex engine which could be easily managed by a web-based interface and an Excel .net macro which allows a quick learning of the application's main functions. Even everyday system maintenance is very easy to manage too, once you understand the underlying consolidation model. In wider terms, once you made the first configuration and you feed the data model, many annoying routines could be easily automated, with a great gain in terms of time spent on application maintenance.
CCH Tagetik is a scalable application which can be well suited to almost every company, granting an easy implementation over the existing transactional applications. Many of its functions and utilities can be customized with reference to the industry in which the company operates (especially if it is a bank or a financial institution). CCH Tagetik works better in the context in which there is a clear understanding of the business and its operations. This consciousness leads to a better definition of the main reporting needs and helps to create a better set of data. In any case, the assistance of a qualified consultant is a value added service.

Wolters Kluwer CCH® Tagetik Feature Ratings

Long-term financial planning
Financial budgeting
Scenario modeling
Not Rated
Management reporting
Financial data consolidation
Journal entries and reports
Multi-currency management
Not Rated
Intercompany Eliminations
Minority Ownership
Local and consolidated reporting
Detailed Audit Trails
Financial Statement Reporting
Management Reporting
Excel-based Reporting
Automated board and financial reporting
XBRL support for regulatory filing
Personalized dashboards
Not Rated
Color-coded scorecards
Not Rated
Not Rated
Cost and profitability analysis
Not Rated
Key Performance Indicator setting
Not Rated
Benchmarking with external data
Not Rated
Flat file integration
Excel data integration
Direct links to 3rd-party data sources
Pixel Perfect reports
Not Rated
Customizable dashboards
Not Rated
Report Formatting Templates
Not Rated
Drill-down analysis
Formatting capabilities
Integration with R or other statistical packages
Not Rated
Report sharing and collaboration
Publish to Web
Not Rated
Publish to PDF
Report Versioning
Report Delivery Scheduling
Not Rated
Pre-built visualization formats (heatmaps, scatter plots etc.)
Not Rated
Location Analytics / Geographic Visualization
Not Rated
Predictive Analytics
Not Rated
Multi-User Support (named login)
Role-Based Security Model
Multiple Access Permission Levels (Create, Read, Delete)
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Responsive Design for Web Access
Not Rated
Dashboard / Report / Visualization Interactivity on Mobile
Not Rated

Using Wolters Kluwer (CCH Tagetik)

96 - The majority of CCH Tagetik users is from administration and accounting department as well as management accounting department. They have a typical contributors role, while the staff who manage the system is really concentrated on a dozen people.
2 - 2 people are in charge of the internal support for the application. They are followed by a team of consultants who are responsible for massive and structural improvements.
  • Data collection
  • Data flow management
  • Reporting routines
  • Support to compliance routines (such as risk management) which are not directly involved in the financial reporting process.
  • Financial document drafting (which could also include presentations).
  • Non-financial information management.
The renewal of our use of CCH Tagetik is stricly linked to the evolution of our reporting needs (especially those linked to compliance reasons). The implementation of new releases which could take benefit of state-of-the-art technologies (e.g. big data or mobile) could be done at a moderate pace in order to empower our user and make them confident about the potential and the performances of the platform.

Do you think Wolters Kluwer CCH® Tagetik delivers good value for the price?


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Did implementation of Wolters Kluwer CCH® Tagetik go as expected?


Would you buy Wolters Kluwer CCH® Tagetik again?


Evaluating Wolters Kluwer (CCH Tagetik) and Competitors

Yes - We replaced our old in-house developed system (which was based on MS Access). At that time we strongly needed a solution that could support our growing consolidation perimeter and our requests of automation in terms of data collecting, data management and reporting.
At a first glance, the look & feel of CCH Tagetik give us the impression of a dynamic application which could fit to our reporting needs with an intuitive Excel based interface.
I think we invested enough on our evaluation and selection process, coming to the solution which was (and still is) the most suitable at that moment.

Wolters Kluwer (CCH Tagetik) Implementation

We had some change management issues that are still unresolved, but they were not caused by the application itself. As any other innovative and performing application CCH Tagetik requires a strong change of your actual mindset in order to achieve the requested results.
  • Professional services company
Ernst & Young
Yes - The implementation was concerning the consolidated annual report as well as consolidated management report activities. It was a classical implementation process with an AS-IS analysis followed by a TO-BE section. Then we started implementing the database for the annual report, then we expanded it with the dimensions of the management report. After that we make a test of the main consolidation routines on previous year's results and started to build the reporting set. At the end we make some training session to contributors then started the first consolidation cycle with CCH Tagetik.
Change management was a big part of the implementation and was well-handled - As any other change management circumstance, you need a strong internal sponsorship in order to build consensus around the project. Then during the implementation process you should think everytime at what you would like to receive from your CPM application instead of thinking about what the previous application was still doing for you.
  • translating the new data model from the previous one (which was different and more bounded to system's limitations)
  • bringing approval process inside the application instead of managing it by phone or by email
  • thinking with an atomistic point of view (the fear of having too much little pieces of information is always behind the corner)

Wolters Kluwer (CCH Tagetik) Training

  • Online training
  • in-person training
CCH Tagetik consultants are skilled, prepared and really helpful. They can also count on a network of external partners which we have also take advantage of.
Online training is the only form of training we could deploy during the pandemic. This service has been nonethless delivered with the same standards and the same results of the traditional training procedures.

Wolters Kluwer (CCH Tagetik) Support

CCH Tagetik offers many different kind of support, from call center to dedicated consultants. The way you choose to implement the application affects the kind of support you have to choose. In any case, it's almost certain that you will get the best answer for your specific needs.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
No escalation required
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Some years ago one of our subsidiary was looking for an application to run its sub-consolidation routines, preserving at the same time the necessary privacy filter to deliver us the data only once it was ready to use. In that circumstance CCH Tagetik provided us a dedicated team of consultants that built an ad-hoc environment which was integrated with the main server application but which could be seen by the main consolidator only after a specific approval of the subsidiary. This solution was so performing that we decide to adopt it also for other branches. Beside that, also the construction of our intercompany cockpit was made with a specific commitment on us.

Using Wolters Kluwer (CCH Tagetik)

Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • the intercompany dashboard, which gives a complete outlook of all the intercompany reconciliations
  • the Excel macro for the reporting generation
  • merger and acquisition automatic recordings are sometimes difficult to configure.

Wolters Kluwer (CCH Tagetik) Reliability

A good and performing scalability both on a geographical and a legal entity scale. The link with MS Office suite allows an easy deployment of the application, especially for contributors.
CCH Tagetik has alwyas been there in case we need help. In almost 20 years of commercial relationship, I have no evidence of times in which they were not available to answer a question or to solve an issue linked to their products, timely and efficiently.
As you can see, speed depends on the applications but also on the hardware that runs them. As far as CCH Tagetik improved, we saw the benefit of a cloud-based solution which could solve many speed performance issues.

Relationship with Wolters Kluwer

At the time we started to do business with them, CCH Tagetik was a family run company which grew up year after year. Despite the fact that today it has become a big and influencial player on the market, we are still experiencing the same easy and familiar relationship with the firm.
CCH Tagetik didn't leave us after the sale and the implementation process. It's has been a reliable partner for more than 15 years, and it's even today.


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