Worth a Try!
July 27, 2016

Worth a Try!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Symantec Endpoint Encryption

Symantec Endpoint Protection is being used by our Healthcare industry customers to encrypt emails that may contain patient information.


  • Ease of use for end users. The outlook add in helps with encryption.
  • The auto encrypt rules are very intuitive and work every time.
  • Encryption strength.


  • The interface could be more easily navigated.
  • Symantec processes tend to run a little slower.
  • Symantec Encryption is a tad pricey.
  • Decreased liability
  • ROI has went up as this product sells itself.
  • Increased productivity for my engineers.
  • LogicNow
Symantec Endpoint Encryption allowed us to give customers the option of keeping their products in house for encryption. This allowed us to not use a cloud site as that would mean that some data is leaving the building. Even though security is done well in the cloud for the most part, there is always a concern of a hack.
We used this for our customers from car dealerships that dealt with credit histories, etc, through healthcare providers. It worked well to auto encrypt specific criteria. I would recommend to any company the use of Symantec Endpoint. From the ease of use for end users to the auto encrypt policies, this software is worth a try.


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