Can't wait for Salesforce integration.
October 29, 2012

Can't wait for Salesforce integration.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Khoros Care (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium)


  • Filtering is better than anything I have ever seen
  • Artificial intelligence. I don’t have to wonder who I am talking about
  • Natural workflow for escalation, prioritization. The workflow is intuitive to a support professional – it's pretty standard stuff.


  • integration is coming and I am excited about it. It will be bidirectional. Right now we are bringing social originated tickets manually into Salesforce through cut and paste.
  • I don’t have a way to integrate with my chat tool (ATG – Oracle). As chat grows and grows, I need a hook. In support, it’s a quick transition to chat, especially if someone is coming in on a handheld device, which represents the vast majority of social media interactions. In general just 0.5% of my support tickets originate from mobile devices. For social, 80%+ is coming in from a mobile device. Social Dynamx tells me whether someone is using a mobile device but doesn’t distinguish between phones and tablets yet.
  • Integration with other tools the team may use, e.g. ScreenShare
  • We are in pilot mode today with a limited roll-out but it has already saved us 2 FTEs. We used to have 3 FTEs monitoring social media activity and we’ve been able to reduce to 1. Right now we are only processing c. 100 social media interactions on a monthly basis, but without filtering we would have 100+/day to review.
  • A better customer experience. Customers are so astounded/ pleased/ surprised – our street cred goes up. In our market, customers venting in the support channel are not necessarily expecting a response yet, however when you do reach them, they like it. They are a little surprised that you can find out who they are, but most like to be found. Many have blogs. Every once in a while, they go dark but no one has complained about breaking privacy.
We just renewed, and I will renew again, with another bigger presence. There’s nothing but upside.
It's excellent.
It’s intuitive, and generally everything for me is counter-intuitive. I can understand it with very limited explanation. I don’t give anything a 10, I give my iPhone a 9.
I was very satisfied. It was very smooth as they know what they are asking for. The requirements gathering was smooth. It was a short cycle. Deployment just took a couple of weeks.

After doing a deployment and a release, my recommendations would have been to mine more of our tags, words that I’m looking for, i.e. to pull in a bigger vocabulary from our historical cases of searchable words and phrases. When we eventually did this, it made the system run so much better. We just sucked it out of old cases and run a report which dumps into spreadsheet.
There isn’t really a good comparison. Tools like Khoros are marketing orienting i.e. for dashboard, re-tweeting and not truly designed to serve the support function.

It’s clearly the future – people want to feel the power of their tweets. Additionally, mobile devices are not going away and people want to do more on them. Anyone running a support org needs to take it seriously. If you are not looking at it now, you are going to get left behind. 12-18 months from now and lot of people are going to be left behind. It’s going to be a big differentiator. When you look at the age of people now working in organizations, they use mobile devices, they live the online social lifestyle– it is their choice and it will only be.

Using Khoros Care (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium)

5 - We are piloting with 5 customer support people across two locations and considering expansion. We are adding key words for additional products. I would like to see 30 people (of our total 400 in support) using next year.Our marketing team is watching and hearing updates, but does not use the tool. Product management is interesting in a roll-up of data.
Really nothing – no sys admin required. We are not re-tweaking workflows. They are very standard.
  • Customer support: the Artificial Intelligence built into Social Dynamx filters tweets, Facebook posts etc, down to a manageable number of the most important to address. This a big time saver for us. It’s huge. Moreover, I have to put my most senior, most expensive folks on this type of support activity and it’s costly to have them sitting, waiting on things, or wading through tweets.
  • Not only does it filter, but it also ranks which interactions we need to respond to. It will rate and rank the individual – the system remembers them and learns. It gives us a priority e.g. is it someone involved in a big client, or used to work at a big client etc. The ranking of response is of key value to us. The ranking has been accurate so far. It mines our CRM and also uses 3rd party demographic databases.
  • It also can respond intelligently to some interactions.
  • It checks tone and context to prepare an agent to be more effective. It can tell if someone is frustrated, but not flaming. This is really helpful for an agent to know. So far it has been very accurate.

Evaluating Khoros Care (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium) and Competitors

A combination of Khoros, Twitter feeds/dashboards, and another point solution.

Khoros Care (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium) Training

  • In-person training
It’s very good, very thorough. We had training initially, for deployment and then with each release

Khoros Care (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium) Support

Khoros Care (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium) Reliability

Integrating Khoros Care (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium)

  • Our chat application
They are working on integration with


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