Return Path is great tool for email marketers, though don't rely on it alone
July 13, 2020

Return Path is great tool for email marketers, though don't rely on it alone

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Return Path (legacy)

Overall Satisfaction with Return Path

We use Return Path within the Marketing department mainly for monitoring and managing email deliverability, general IP reputation trending, and inbox rendering. As part of our SFMC implementation, we leverage both the Inbox Monitor and Inbox Preview functionality mostly. We had some email delivery issues during the early stages of our SFMC implementation. Using the Return Path data and Sender Score trending we were able to turn that around and see more consistent inbox placement. Inbox Monitoring also helps us catch issues as they arise and address them quickly before deliverability issues affect all our users. As we develop new email templates and update our branding, the Inbox Preview tool has been an essential part of reviewing and checking emails before they go out to our guests.


  • Provides good visibility to inbox placement trends
  • Good preview rendering for major email clients
  • Good UI, easy to access major functions and tools
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration makes inbox monitoring and rendering previews easy


  • Some domain summary data inconsistent with seedlist detail
  • UI feels a little dated
  • Reporting options are limited
  • As part of the SFMC integration, Return Path support issues and question go through Salesforce, not Return Path
  • Inbox Preview rendering could be more robust and extensive
  • Would like to see Dark Mode previewing rendering
  • Increased inbox placement
  • Improved open rates
Return Path came with our Salesforce Marketing Cloud implementation. We have not seriously looked at additional tools to complement or replace what we're getting through Return Path.
Return Path definitely helps provide directional guidance on where/how emails are being delivered, and it certainly provides some feedback and insights when there are delivery issues. I would not say that it is 100% accurate, though, on Inbox/Spam/Missing placement details for all ISPs. It certainly helps identify issues, though I would not use it as proof that we were fully put into the inbox (or spam folder).

The inbox preview and rendering features are good, and I love the integration with Marketing Cloud. There are other rendering preview options available in the market, and this offering is solid. Just not the strongest. The direct integration with Marketing Cloud certainly makes it easy to use.

Budgets permitting, using Return Path as part of a larger portfolio of tools for inbox placement monitoring, blacklist checking, email rendering, etc. would be advised. But it certainly works well as a starting point.

Everest (Return Path + 250ok) Feature Ratings

Standard reports
Spam Testing
Email Previews

Using Return Path

1 - Just myself in the marketing department, for managing inbox placement and inbox rendering previews before sending an email.
No in-house support. We get support for Return Path through Salesforce Support.
  • Inbox placement / deliverability
  • IP / sender reputation
  • Inbox rendering and previews
It's integrated into our Salesforce Marketing Cloud application, so dropping Return Path for an alternative would be less efficient for our small team. The benefits of a different platform to replace Return Path would have to be significant, or if Salesforce drops the integration altogether.

Evaluating Return Path and Competitors

  • Product Features
  • Prior Experience with the Product
  • Vendor Reputation
Integration with Salesforce Marketing Cloud was the primary consideration, though without that integration we still would have seriously considered it for our organization.
At this stage, we would not reconsider the selection of Return Path. It works for our needs for now.

Return Path Implementation

I joined my company after the implementation was nearly complete. We used the Return Path tool as we slowly increased our send volume in Marketing Cloud to monitor IP reputation and inbox placement.
  • Third-party professional services
It was part of our Salesforce Marketing Cloud implementation. We used a company called OffPrem to implement the Salesforce Marketing Cloud tool and integrate with Sales Cloud.

Using Return Path

Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Inbox Monitor for tracking inbox/ spam folder placement
  • Inbox Preview for email client rendering
  • Blacklist checking
  • Reporting
I find it fairly easy to use, though the interface is a bit clunky and I may be missing some revolutionary use because it's lost in the clutter.


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