Tool - yes, certification - no
December 08, 2018

Tool - yes, certification - no

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Return Path (legacy)

Overall Satisfaction with Return Path

We use Return Path as an addition to our email deliverability tools and reporting across the entire organization. It is a very capable platform to test and to analyze inbox placement using seed lists. It is easy to track sender / IP reputation with this tool as well as improve those for better deliverability across all ISPs. The reports are quite detailed and the platform itself is very intuitive.


  • Inbox placement monitoring.
  • Domain / IP reputation monitoring.
  • Email deliverability troubleshooting.


  • Export of automated reports to external users, not only admins.
  • The tool is quite expensive.
  • The UI could use a refresh.
  • Certification is overrated and isn't required as long as you follow ISP guidelines.
  • Precise domain and IP reputation tracking with breakdown per ISP for better troubleshooting.
  • Testing and validation of deliverability, especially after switching ESPs with new IPs and domains.
  • Knowledgeable and responsive team.
Return Path and 250ok are meant to do same things but in slightly different ways. Both use seed lists but RP uses panel data while 250ok uses engagement data. RP offers certification and is more expensive while 250ok is more affordable.
Return Path is very helpful if the ESP you're using doesn't have deliverability reporting or provides insufficient data. RP is handy in inbox placement testing and reputation monitoring but the tool itself can't resolve deliverability problems as many would think. There is no magic pill. Email deliverability strongly relies on end user engagement (opened email, clicked, moved from spam, added sender to white list) and certification has no influence over user behavior or quality (or lack thereof) of your email content.

Everest (Return Path + 250ok) Feature Ratings

WYSIWYG email editor
Not Rated
Dynamic content
Not Rated
Ability to test dynamic content
Not Rated
Landing pages
Not Rated
A/B testing
Not Rated
Mobile optimization
Not Rated
Email deliverability reporting
List management
Not Rated
Triggered drip sequences
Not Rated
Standard reports
Custom reports
Not Rated


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