Redis Solves many application caching problems.
January 07, 2020

Redis Solves many application caching problems.

Gene Baker | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Redis

We used Redis for application data caching. Redis is used by more than one department and is an enterprise standard offering. We have since moved away from Redis as we were able to simplify our architecture given our more powerful database servers after our latest tech refresh. When we were using Redis, our application response times were too slow for certain transactions so we cached the data to improve performance. There are other use cases that we considered like caching of session data. Again our goal was to simplify our architecture and Redis was one of the products we eliminated, not because it wasn't a good product but because we no longer needed it for our application.


  • Application data caching.
  • Session data caching.


  • Managing cache misses better.
  • Increased transaction throughput.
  • Faster response times.
  • Product Features
  • Product Reputation
  • Vendor Reputation
  • Existing Relationship with the Vendor
Redis was already in use in house. We try to leverage our existing vendor relationships before bringing on a new vendor or product. And other teams had reported positive results with Redis.
All are good products. MongoDB is a great NoSQL DB but didn't seem to have the high performance caching of Redis. Coherence and Xtreme Scale are expensive. In my opinion for our particular use case, Redis was the clear winner.
I think Redis is a great product. Our problem was we were using too many different products when we could have been just using one. We had Redis for application data caching, we were using Xtreme Scale to cache session data, when in fact Redis could have handled both. The decision was made to stick with Xtreme Scale but honestly I would have preferred to stay with Redis. Redis handles application data caching well. We had some issues with cache misses, but I think that was more of what we did and less of what Redis did (or didn't do). That being said, after some recoding, we had no issues. I think that the Redis product could be little easier to use there but again, it was probably a learning curve item for us and not so much the product.

Redis Software Feature Ratings

Data model flexibility
Deployment model flexibility

Redis Support

The support team has always been excellent in handling our mostly questions, rarely problems. They are responsive, find the solution and get us moving forward again. I have never had to escalate a case with them. They have always solved our problems in a very timely manner. I highly commend the support team.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
No - We have regular support included with our maintenance. We have enough users within house that we believe we have critical mass for trying to solve our problems internally. We can always upgrade our support if needed but haven't had the need to do so. When we do contact support, they are very responsive so again, no need to pay for premium.
We were stuck with an issue with pass thru caching. We couldn't make it work properly because we were doing something wrong. The support person took the time to look through our code module and found the issue with what we had coded. They suggested a code revision, we applied it and tested it and it solved our problem.


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