Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform review
May 10, 2024

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform review

Lenny Shirley II | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • Ansible Tower

Overall Satisfaction with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

We use it to manage our Linux and Windows servers, desktops, and networking devices. Repetition is the biggest thing it solved. Our scope is growing weekly as we bring in more and more teams into the platform and they discover it's capabilities. So far, everyone has thoroughly enjoyed the platform.
  • Repeat
  • Be consistent
  • Take a load of my plate
  • Users and teams, basically the entire access portion
  • More survey options
  • The ability to map external Auth groups to internal teams
  • It's allowed people that normally couldn't perform a task the ability to click Launch to do it themselves
  • It's freed up calendars some as it takes some of the load off
  • It's allowed us to be super consistent
There's 0 comparison. Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform leaves them in the dust. It is easier to configure and wipe playbooks for, and has way more community support and documentation making it a no brainer.

Do you think Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform's feature set?


Did Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform go as expected?


Would you buy Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform again?


Anything you need to repeat more than twice, and anything that can normally only be done by one or two people can now be automated so others can just click Launch. It's especially nice when I can provide a non-techy person the ability to log in, and click launch to do a task that they normally needed to escalate to one or more people to get done, and now instead of them waiting, it's done instantly.

Ansible Feature Ratings

Infrastructure Automation
Automated Provisioning
Parallel Execution
Node Management
Reporting & Logging
Inventory Control
Version Control
Role-based access control