QuickBase quickly gives you a base to build your foundation for your project or department.
Updated January 08, 2021

QuickBase quickly gives you a base to build your foundation for your project or department.

Richard (Ric) Hazel | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Quick Base

We use QuickBase as a repository for documents and as a way to create forms, reporting, and metrics for our Learning/Training Department that serves our greater IT org, Customer Technologies. We have yet to delve as deep as we can into its potential uses, but at present it has addressed our problem with where to store documents and files, as well as, a way to manage and organize our current restructuring of our department's policies, procedures, and development.


  • It is very easy to create apps specific to our needs.
  • It is a great way to manage and store documentation on many levels.
  • It gives us a one stop location where we can organize our entire restructuring effort.


  • I would like to be able to upload and store larger video files and Captivate files without having to zip them.
  • In our Learning/Training Department we have a need to share files so that we can have multiple sets of eyes on things as we design and develop learning elements. An easier or more intuitive method to share larger files would be great.
  • It may be because I am still relatively new to QuickBase, but it is not the easiest to navigate when trying to add new users, edit functionality of an app, etc.
We have achieved this benefit to a certain extent, but have not yet realized the full potential of the product. I anticipate that as our restructure effort moves forward we will have ample opportunity to test this and realize even more benefit from using the product. From what we have seen of it up to this point it has been indispensable for us as a means to organize our restructuring.
We have not used or evaluated any other product. QuickBase was the first one we looked at and was the only option we considered. It was not necessary for us to look any further as everything that we were looking for was accessible to us through what QuickBase had to offer.
  • Building and deploying business applications faster
  • Improving our ability to drive insights from our data
  • Improving collaboration across one or more teams
  • Solving a specific business challenge
  • Building and deploying an application (or multiple applications) that meets our exact needs
We did achieve these outcomes, but since I have filled this out we had to move to SharePoint because QuickBase was unwilling to negotiate on our next contract. This inflexibility led to our terminating our relationship with QuickBase. It wasn't very difficult to port all of our documents and forms over to SharePoint as an alternative to QuickBase.
It can be difficult for non-technical developers to navigate through the creation of applications, however, with that being said, QuickBase help is very efficient and accessible when trying to build something from scratch. Their customer support is top notch and responds quickly to every inquiry for assistance that I have made so far.
I have only updated a QuickBase-developed application twice so far, but both times it was very easy and painless. The product is designed very well and is relatively smooth and effortless to maintain and update. I have no complaints and can only say that the more I use it the more I see its benefit to us both now and in the future.
QuickBase is well suited for a department that has multiple users and has a need to store and share documentation across that department. It also is very good for departments or organizations that need to measure and report on specific activities and customize apps to make those measurements. It may not be the most appropriate for users who have a need to store or share large files.

Quickbase Feature Ratings

Integrations and Governance

  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Proprietary Systems
It wasn't terribly deep. Mostly to link projects to calendars and track progress. It was not difficult at all to achieve and actually integrated quite easily.
We were able to log progress on projects, as well as implement processes that we were unable to implement before. These integrations allowed us to be more efficient on our projects from start to finish. They also helped us to be able to set a clear path to follow for the completion of projects.
We really didn't utilize any security or user management capabilities other than tying it into our employee verification systems. Our proprietary security and user management is very robust so utilizing any additional capabilities that Quick Base had really was redundant and unnecessary. As a result, it did not impact or improve business application security at all.

Using Quick Base

7 - We are a small group within our org, but we consist of developers, designers, management, planners, and trainers. As a whole, we use the product to store documentation, create apps that help us manage and organize products, and share files as projects are being developed and designed. Overall, it has far exceeded what we need from a product.
4 - We have one very high level user to support our overall use. She is very organized and highly skilled at creating apps that measure and report. The other users have IT background and skills at creating databases. I would say, however, that it isn't necessary to have high level people support the product as it is intuitive and easy to learn.
  • A repository to aid in the restructuring of our department and programs.
  • A tool to create measurement and reporting tools during and after the restructuring effort.
  • A way to manage access for documents and files for anonymous users throughout our larger organization.
  • Sharing Captivate files as we development and design learning elements for our org.
  • Giving us one place to direct students in our new hire classes to find files, documents and other information needed before, during, and after class.
  • Created an app that will help us manage and navigate through the entire restructuring effort.
  • Sharing documentation across departments.
  • Tracking or measurement of corporate initiatives.
  • Creation of applications that would help manage projects.
QuickBase does everything we need it to do and more. It is exactly the product we needed at this moment in our development as a department. It will continue to grow in its use by our department and will increase in its importance to us as we move forward with our objectives.
  • It has allowed us to achieve our objectives earlier than we expected.
  • It has given us the tools we needed to organize.
  • It has made it possible for us to be more productive in our efforts.

Evaluating Quick Base and Competitors

  • Price
  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Third-party Reviews
I was not involved in the decision to move to QuickBase, but I believe that the most important factor was the usability of the product. Because we are trying to restructure our department, and have a few employees who are resistant to change, the ease of use was very critical as we moved forward.
Because I was not involved in that process it is hard for me to say. Using other products we have evaluated for other uses as a benchmark, I would say that we would test the functionality and compare it to other products so that an informed decision can be made. Again, having not been involved initially, I am assuming that this was the process in choosing QuickBase over another product.

Quick Base Implementation

Not really. The implementation was smooth. The most challenging part of implementing is getting people on board to see its usefulness and endeavor to use it on a regular basis.
Change management was a big part of the implementation and was well-handled - Implementing QuickBase has made it very easy to manage the changes within our organization. As we continue to work through our restructuring and implement our new programs and processes, QuickBase will be a vital tool for everyone within our organization. Without QuickBase I believe everything we have been striving to accomplish would have been much harder.
  • We encountered no major issues during our implementation.

Quick Base Training

Not really. There was a huge learning curve in this product and it took a long time for us to figure it out. The product had a lot of issues initially that caused a lot of headaches. The customizing aspect was also very difficult and took a long time to complete.

Configuring Quick Base

It is not user friendly and is limited in its ability to customize it to our needs. Administrating the product was very complex and difficult to train others to be backups. In our case, there was only one person who truly understood it. This made it very easy to transition to something else.
Make certain that you purchase some sort of support package and be intentional to have more than one administrator. The complexity of the product and its necessity for some minor coding makes it a lot more work than it needs to be. Really consider something more user friendly before proceeding with QuikcBase.
Yes - we have customized the interface extensively - It was not easy at all. As previously mentioned, customization takes minor programming skill, and the complexity of the product doesn't help. It took us almost 7 months to get the product to a point where it was ready to use for our team. This made it much easier to make the decision to transition to something else.
No - the product does not support adding custom code
No. Our configuration and customization was limited to what I have all ready stated in the previous questions. The QuickBase customization and configuration was frustrating and time consuming. It required far too much time and ROI was not worth the resources or effort involved. It's not terribly user friendly.

Quick Base Support

Every issue or question that I have had has been addressed quickly and answered expeditiously. They are very good at what they do and I have absolutely zero complaints. It is rare to find a Customer Support department that is as knowledgeable, courteous, and efficient as QuickBase Support. Well done!!!
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
I was trying to create an app and could not figure out exactly how to do it. Not only did QuickBase support answer my questions in a timely manner, they also provided me with extra information to make my app even more useful in the day to day management of my project.

Using Quick Base

Up to this point the product has done everything that I have needed it to do. When I have needed assistance I have received it quickly and efficiently. As a repository it has been an indispensable tool and will continue to allow us the flexibility we need to move forward.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Creating applications
  • Managing applications
  • Editing existing applications
  • Creating intricate applications

Quick Base Reliability

While the purpose of this product is to provide flexibility and scalability to and organization, it is not as easy to roll out on the enterprise level. The support from Quick Base is not on a level that it makes the process easy and fluid. Be prepared to spend more time on this product than you might want to.
Once we did get Quick Base configured and customized it was reliably available when we needed it. We may have had one or two occasions when the product was inaccessible but those were few. The greatest challenge with its availability was its difficulty with integrating with our systems.
There are many more products out there that do the same thing and do it with a lot less work. Reports are difficult to run. The time and effort needed to make this product work is not really worth it in my opinion. Other products are more user friendly and intuitive.

Integrating Quick Base

Because of integration was not easy. I feel like I keep repeating myself, but Quick Base requires far too much effort and they are difficult to work with. They are also inflexible when it comes to working with InfoSec and other enterprise departments to address specific needs and process rules.
  • File import/export
We would have explored additional integration technologies but the difficulty and time needed for these integrations caused us to transition to other products. We didn't have the Development resources free to spend more time on this product and the decision was made quickly to move in a different direction after using the product for 12 months.
Make certain that your Development resources have the bandwidth to dedicate to the product before you make the decision to move forward. There is a lot more work involved than the ROI. We should have done a lot more research before deciding on Quick Base. In 12 months we were ready to switch to something else.

Relationship with Quick Base

They are not very flexible when discussing or negotiating contract details. We have had much easier negotiating experiences with far larger vendors. Their inability to flex and adapt to a large enterprise's needs does not make them an easy organization to work with. Seriously consider other products before deciding on this one.
Again, it all comes around to contract negotiation and working with support. Quick Base is not very easy to work with and quite inflexible when it comes to addressing needs or business processes at the enterprise level. This inflexibility slows down the process and makes it easy to decide to transition to a different product.
Price. It seems that it the only thing they are willing to flex on. Even if a low ball offer is put on the table make certain you understand all of the work and effort you will need to face moving forward. Low price does not equal quality product.
Make certain that everything is up front and on the table when it comes to Vendor responsibilities and what your involvement will be. Even if everything is on the table, make certain the vendor understands your expectations and needs completely before signing any contract.

Upgrading Quick Base


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