Qubit - experimentation at scale done well
Overall Satisfaction with Qubit
Shop Direct are an extremely data driven company and we primarily use Qubit's tag management and ABn experimentation frameworks running anywhere from 50 to 100 experiments per month across our 4 retail brands. One of our core goals around experimentation is to continue growing and so far Qubit has proven to be very flexible and scalable
- Experimentation at scale - running large amounts of AB and multivariant experiments
- Great customer service - no matter what the issue, we've always had the support we need to ensure we stay on track
- Allow us to run ABns at 100%!! Sometimes we need to be able create a custom control (empty) and a variant but Qubit only allows us to run it at 95% which means we're then losing 5% of traffic
- Functionality testing of multiple experiments simultaneously to understand the implications of combined experiments in the same area - we had to create our own functionality to do this
The decision to purchase Qubit was outside of my control although I'm quite happy with the choice
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