QlikView ReView
Updated September 30, 2015

QlikView ReView

Alexander Ashavsky | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with QlikView

QlikView is used by senior level managers at my company (mostly C-Level) as an advanced analytics tool. My company in general works within the Microsoft technology stack (.NET, SSRS/SSIS, etc) however QlikVIew had significantly better performance and adaptability and as such was brought in. It is used primarily by accounting, finance, and managment. It addresses the problem of many other reporting tools being incomplete (SSRS, Business Objects), as well as creating a custom BI tool from scratch being too much work and effort to create/maintain.


  • Works quickly with large datasets - I have created 20+ applications with my current company and previous company, all on average with 30 million + unique rows in the core billing table, and have yet to have any significant performance depreciation.
  • Data Visualization - Easy to create detailed and adaptable reports that can meet any departments need
  • Developer friendly - Supports SQL well, can create elegant data models/schema only using SQL (though it is encourages to use QV's native language)


  • High price point - while we would love to use QlikView for all reporting at my current company, it is far to expensive to but licenses for non-managers
  • Can only develop via application (as opposed to using an online client) - I believe they intend to eliminate the application and have everything be web based, however currently that is not the case. Many other BI tools allow online development.
  • Users do not have the ability to easily create ad hoc reports - while as a developer I can create an application that allows users to make ad hoc reports, there is no functionality to do this natively (or in a relatively easy way).
  • SAP Business Objects,SQL Reporting Services,.NET
-vs Biz Obj: Significantly easier to maintain, significantly faster performance, significantly more dynamic reports
-vs SSRS: More dynamic reports (though more difficult to initially create), much better export functionality
-vs .NET: Easier to get up and running quickly (as opposed to creating an executable that creates a process or creating a reporting website from scratch)
It got great reviews from management.
  • Less ad hoc requests (i.e. a user asking a developer to generate a dataset, export to excel, and send to them)
  • More analytically driven managers able to quickly use data to make critical decision
  • Increased Employee Efficiency
What users are you building the report for? How complicated of a report/application are the users looking for? How much data will you be working with? Will it be a large or complicated data model?

1) Licenses aren't cheap, I would not recommend QlikView for basic reports that can be done in other (cheaper) tools such as SSRS.
2) If the report is basic (just display a few tables with some headers) I'd recommend a simpler tool such as SSRS or automated email of a csv daily (using SQL + .NET).
3) Similar to above, if the underlying data model isn't too complicated, using QlikView can be overkill.

QlikView Feature Ratings

Pixel Perfect reports
Customizable dashboards
Report Formatting Templates
Drill-down analysis
Formatting capabilities
Integration with R or other statistical packages
Report sharing and collaboration
Publish to Web
Publish to PDF
Report Versioning
Report Delivery Scheduling
Pre-built visualization formats (heatmaps, scatter plots etc.)
Location Analytics / Geographic Visualization
Predictive Analytics
Multi-User Support (named login)
Role-Based Security Model
Multiple Access Permission Levels (Create, Read, Delete)
Responsive Design for Web Access
Mobile Application
Not Rated
Dashboard / Report / Visualization Interactivity on Mobile

Using QlikView


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