A Pure pleasure to use!
Updated May 27, 2020

A Pure pleasure to use!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Pure Storage FlashArray

We use the Pure Array to provide storage for a VMware ESX infrastructure supporting security operations and testing. We replaced two racks of spinning disks (over 200TB) in use with one "small" 3-4 RU Pure Array with significantly less power requirements and significant performance improvements. Probably the best part (of moving from a major storage provider known by 3 letters) was the improved support and ease on the support staff. We are no longer concerned with storage issues from running out or missing a significant issue or upgrade.


  • Support over the last 18 months we have been 2-3 upgrades - no down time, we just schedule it and the tech gets it done.
  • Notification of potential issues - they told us that one of our servers was throwing storage errors, while we were aware of the issue, it is nice knowing that there is another party following up.
  • Performance - the array has done exactly what they claimed from density of deduplication to work load support.


  • The only con I can think of going in is the expense - the array seems expensive for what you get, but when the value is considered, it really is not a concern. I have to say of all the tech purchased, we have not found a good solid Con.....
  • No more complaints from users or administrators about system performance
  • It allowed us to give back racks of space in the data center
  • ROI with security products is tough to measure but having a reliable product allows us to work on real issues rather than product issues
All issues have been addressed quickly with no down time. Our SE regularly tells us when it is time to upgrade or a patch is needed. Excellent. I have 20 years experience with Cisco support which is awesome, I have to say Pure support is better - maybe because they are telling me when I should upgrade rather than letting us figure it out...... the other part is that when you buy the product support is baked in - no worries about support contracts or renewals every year.
Again AWESOME on support
Performance and the guarantee were the main reasons to replace and move away from the other storage vendor. We looked at EMC, Netapp, HP all products owned within the company, and went with Pure, we went with it because of the simplicity of administration.

Since we have owned the our FlashArray the company (sorry some poor fool in the company) purchased an array from one of those vendors listed above, having used both systems, the FlashArray has a much simpler(cleaner and easier to understand) user interface, and has been bullet proof. Support wise I have 100% more confidence in the Pure support (both have similar support) - and have this feeling, I would have to discover the issue from that other vendor, rather than with the Pure receiving proactive notifications.
  • End users have been very happy with the performance and complaints due to storage have disappeared.
  • Zero Down time with the array
If you cannot afford it, it probably is not a good choice - but why are you looking at enterprise storage then? We use in a virtual space and it works GREAT. We use it with a Multi-5TB data base which is hammered 24x7 - any issues are not related to storage - every issue we have had is due to the application.

Pure Storage FlashArray Feature Ratings

Flash Array Performance
Flash Array Integration
Data Compression
Non-Intrusive Upgrades
Power Savings


Pure Storage FlashArray Support

Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - The support is included in the package, so it was hard to say "do you pay" well it was included. But it has been worth it if that is the question.
Yes - yes, it was resolved. More that that, Pure has notified us several times of issues with code versions we are on and have proactively upgraded rather than us finding out we have an issue with system crashes. So they are very proactive in working with their customers, it is very impressive for a company to do this.
It is hard to describe a specific instance. When I started my career a long time ago, I dealt with Cisco extensively I was always impressed with the service they provide - I have to admit that Pure is actually better service than Cisco. Since our support is rolled into the hardware, it is lower over head and easier to manage than Cisco. So while different product lines, I would say PURE has better support that Cisco. Consistently when we have requested support, Pure has helped and fixed our issues.


  • Mikayla Rosaia | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Thank you for taking the time to update your review and sharing your experience with FlashArray! We are always looking for customers to participate in advocacy opportunities. If you are interested in sharing your story, please contact us at customer-reference@purestorage.com

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