Created an Inbound Marketing + CRM System that is quite impressive with PieSync
December 19, 2017

Created an Inbound Marketing + CRM System that is quite impressive with PieSync

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with PieSync

PieSync is being used to support our sales and marketing efforts. We had an issue where our marketing database was in one place and sales had a completely different database. For years the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing. The business problem solved is that for the first time, it appears that our marketing and sales qualified leads are all in the same database (Nimble) with 2 way replication of the data and subscribe/unsubscribe status. We've experimented with other sync options but Piesync is natively integrated into Nimble which gives us some added confidence that it's well supported and not a "hack".


  • Pie sync offers a 2 way sync between Nimble and MailChimp for us. Subscription status and other conditional logic can be applied to make sure that sales knows that marketing status of a client.
  • Because the syncs are 2 way with the conditional logic, we can make sure to revisit past marketing leads by using sales once a list is scrubbed or an unsubscribe occurs.
  • Piesync isn't limited to Nimble and MailChimp. For reps that want to keep their gSuite email contacts up to date, it's possible to sync all of these contacts with very little effort.


  • It would be nice to have some structured "recipes" similar to IFTTT that allow someone to setup specific functions between apps. This feature is there but not as built out as IFTTT.
  • We are able to "see" our data much better. Rather than having databases going stale in several places, having it all sync into our CRM allows us to see everything and perhaps revive a unsubscribed lead by having sales make a phone call or snail mailing a letter.
  • We are able to use the best of breed tools for CRM and marketing. We don't have to use a larger, comprehensive application that tends to be 85% across the board but lacking where we need. Not all firms are purely inbound, we still have a strong outbound sales strategy.
While Zapier seems to have more connections, the 2 way integration through PieSync seemed easier. Additionally, Nimble (our CRM provider) has natively integrated PieSync into their application which gives us a higher level of confidence when it comes to support issues. Also, there's real time replication at the free/cheap tiers in PieSync.
We'd love to have a full blown inbound marketing system that is perfectly integrated with our CRM. The trick is, the systems that "do it all" seem to let us known in specific areas. For instance, the best CRM systems tend to have poor inbound marketing automation. The best marketing automation tend to have so-so CRM capabilities. PieSync allowed us to choose what we felt was best in category in each area and combine them.

While we don't have a perfect single pane of glass or a comprehensive dashboard, it's pretty robust and helpful. We tend to default to using our CRM database as the authoritative source of information.

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