Ever wish you had a crystal ball that allowed you to get an answer to the age old question, "Why do people act that way?" Well, look no further, the PI Assessment is your answer!
June 27, 2017

Ever wish you had a crystal ball that allowed you to get an answer to the age old question, "Why do people act that way?" Well, look no further, the PI Assessment is your answer!

Carol Warhurst | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with PI Behavioral Assessment

When my organization first adopted the use of PI Behavioral Assessment, it was for the main purpose of providing a new data set to analyze during the recruitment process. However, it quickly became apparent that there were many other uses for the PI. Within the first year, we built a Team Building & Conflict Resolution Training that used the PI as an informative, fact-based awareness tool to help our teams better understand each other and themselves. We completed PI read backs for all our current staff and recently we have begun conducting PI read backs with each new hire during their orientation on day one. We also review their manager's PI and those of their team members so they have a better understanding of the driving needs and behaviors they can expect from day one.


  • The assessment is simple and easy to take. From the perspective of potential candidates, we wanted to offer them something that wouldn't take them 30 minutes or more to complete. Searching for a job is time-consuming and taxing enough, we don't want to burden people any more than necessary.
  • The data that the PI Behavioral Assessment provides is the most accurate of all the various assessments that we experimented with. The hardest thing to gauge during the interview process is culture fit. The PI gives us an advantage that no other assessment offers; a look into the crystal ball of the all illusive question of culture and job fit.
  • For management training and employee relations issues, the data from the PI Assessment is invaluable. Imagine that you are trying to hang a picture on the wall by using a sponge to drive the nail in. You can try all day and even question your handy-man abilities, but the bottom line is...you need a hammer. The PI Assessment is the exact tool you need to take your management training and employee relations issues to the next level and drive home results.


  • The PI Behavioral Assessment has been around for a long time. However, there is a lack of connection within the local community of companies that also use the PI with whom we can network and share ideas and practices. Annual retreats in our specific area or social media sites specific for our regions would be a great addition.
  • It can be cost prohibitive when your industry takes a downturn.
  • There is not a way for our company to tie the assessment invitation directly into our Applicant Tracking System. This creates a very manual process of sending assessments whenever we have a job opening.
  • Our company turnover has reduced from 22% to 14% since we started using the PI.
  • Wonderlic, ProfileXT and Myers Briggs Personality Test
The other assessments that we examined felt more like an SAT exam than a recruitment tool. The results were difficult for our managers to read through and understand. There were a lot of words, with very little actually being said. The PI was succinct and precise.
PI Behavioral Assessment is required for all qualified candidates prior to setting up an interview. We don't want to just use the information we get during an interview; we want to use the data from PI to make sure we get the right person in the right job, prior to spending the time getting to know them in a job interview.

Evaluating PI Behavioral Assessment and Competitors

  • Price
  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Product Reputation
  • Positive Sales Experience with the Vendor
The single most important factor was the accuracy and ease of use of the data that the assessment provided. There was no other assessment that even came close to comparing to the PI Behavioral Assessment. We completed a trial period with Wonderlic and ProfileXT. We also reviewed the Myers Brigg Personality Test.
I would recommend implementing the PI read back with each new hire during their new hire orientation on day one. Having a sit down PI review with their manager and possibly their team members as well. The PI Behavioral Assessment isn't just for recruitment processes. This tool can be used for management training and coaching, employee relations and conflict resolution, communication training and more.

Using PI Behavioral Assessment

As with anything, there are always ways that the product can get better and continue to grow in its offerings and support. However, my team has been very impressed with the ease of use of the system. Our managers have their own log ins and there is no tutorial needed to explain how to use the website.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Being able to send multiple assessments at once to all the qualified candidates for the same position.
  • Being able to group the assessment by job, or by company, or by date; whichever makes the most sense to your operations.
  • The link to Catalyst and all the new tools that are being developed to ensure people continue to grow and develop their use of the product.
  • I am not able to link the Assessment invitation to our applicant tracking system. This makes the invitation process a little more manual.
  • There isn't a place to link our group with other groups in our region that use the PI.
Yes - The mobile interface works great. I have been able to pull up the website on my cell phone while I am out in the field and conduct a read back off site simply by looking at the results on my phone. This creates a lot more opportunity for utility and knowledge sharing.


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