PeopleAdmin should be Reported
January 31, 2014

PeopleAdmin should be Reported

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 6 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

5.8 and upgrade to 7

Modules Used

  • I write the interfaces that connect PeopleAdmin to our ERP Sungard ONESolution.
  • I am writing the interface for PeopleAdmin's Data Mart - put our historical data into a SQL Server database.

Overall Satisfaction

PeopleAdmin is used throughout The Scripps Research Institute. Human Resources makes the most use of it, but hiring managers for all departments use it for staffing. PeopleAdmin handles job offerings and candidate processing up to hire. The information in PeopleAdmin is required for reporting to governmental agencies.


  • Integration with PeopleAdmin seamlessly populates job offerings on our web page.
  • PeopleAdmin handles the recruitment process very well.
  • PeopleAdmin if very good at processing job candidates up to hire.


  • PeopleAdmin's internal report writer needs work. Currently, in version 7, reporting can only be done requisition number by requisition number. The report writer needs to be modified so it can create reports enterprise-wide.
  • PeopleAdmin's Data Mart product needs substantial modification. In version 5.8, on a monthly basis, PeopleAdmin provided us with an Microsoft Access database containing our historical data up to that period end. In version 7, the "Data Mart" contains our historical data. The Data Mart consists of over 300 files. These files are not database table downloads nor is it parts of a database data dump. Rather, the files appear to be scrapes from html pages. They contain html codes and other character data that needs to be cleaned before they can be uploaded. The files are not in a table-by-table format. Any one file can contain data from two or more tables. The format of the Data Mart makes it difficult to load the data into a database and format it in a table structure that is comparable to the Access database provided with version 5.8.
  • Better customer service. Human Resources' customers include the recruits and candidates. Candidates and recruits find PeopleAdmin very usable and easy to use.
  • Increased employee efficiency. Especially for non-HR hiring personnel, PeopleAdmin increases the efficiency of hiring managers.
There are a number of comparable products in the marketplace. Our primary reason for choosing PeopleAdmin 7.6 was that we were an existing PeopleAdmin 5.8 customer.
Despite its reporting inadequacies, our users were used to PeopleAdmin and they liked the product. Most are reticent to switch major software programs due to data conversion and lack of continuity fears. Given that 7.6 is completely different on the back end and that data cannot be merged from version 5.8 to 7.6, these fears may have been unfounded.
PeopleAdmin handles the process of recruiting very well. It integrated into the web pages as well as other job websites. The learning curve for users is not too steep. The web page format is intuitive to users. The user interface looks good. The initial issue would be the number of candidates the organization handles per year. Due to our business, we handle a large number of candidates, but US and international. PeopleAdmin facilitates this process.


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