is a wonderful product to dePend on.
Updated January 28, 2019 is a wonderful product to dePend on.

Aaron Beaty | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with is being used by our business to understand how our customers are using our product and how we can better design our software for the betterment of our customer experience. addresses the need to understand how our customers are interacting with our software and what areas may need improvement based on usage statistics.


  • Provides a clean interface with which to interact. This ensures all data is able to be found quickly and efficiently.
  • Provides accurate and up to date metrics on the data we are looking for.
  • Allows us to create guides and surveys to keep us closer with our customers and ensure we are offering the best product we can.


  • The current Dashboard is easy to use but is limited on the customization ability. I'd like to see the ability to customize your dashboard and move features where you want them instead of adding them and having them be set/stuck for you.
  • has allowed us to better grow our software by discovering areas of improvement while also bringing to light areas where we may have spent too much time on for little reward. is perfect if you're looking to gain a better understanding of not only your product but also find out how your customers are interacting with your product. It's perfect for small to large scale software businesses who are looking to obtain a better understanding of the analytics behind their product.


Overall, Pendo provides a smooth interface, especially with the most recent update, and I couldn't imagine using or learning any other platform so product focused. From the moment I log into Pendo, I know where I'm going and what I'm looking for and I'm able to find that, through the interface, in as little time as possible. This helps keep me focused on doing other tasks at work so I'm not overburdened with hunting things down in the system.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • The feature tagging/searching through Pendo is a very smooth process. As long as the proper code is contained in the software, you can tag a feature/page in very little time.
  • The navigation UI, with the most recent update, is cleaner and easier to use so I can quickly get to the page I want.
  • Dashboards give you the most information at a glance. They're easy to set up as long as you know the information you're looking for. You can make them as detailed as you'd like or just have a dashboard focused on one thing.
  • The guide creation process is the only thing I've ever struggled with while using Pendo. It seems to involve too much technical know-how if you want to properly get your guide to be stylized and functioning properly.


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