Robust Geological and Petrophysical Interpretation Suite
April 20, 2019

Robust Geological and Petrophysical Interpretation Suite

Pablo Lacerda Silva | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Paradigm

We use Paradigm's Epos, SKUA-GOCAD and Geolog software in our research group within the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of British Columbia. Our group uses Geolog to visualize, calculate petrophysical properties and establish well log correlations of shale gas and shale oil wells within the Western Canadian Basin. We use Epos and SKUA-GOCAD to map geologic horizons and the distribution of reservoir properties within geologic formations.


  • Geolog is extremely robust and powerful in handling large volumes of logs per well and a large number of wells, which is an asset for basin-scale projects.
  • Geolog is very flexible in terms of customizing log layout presentations and calculating anything via mathematical or logical expressions.
  • Epos display of fluid production data is very useful in cross-analyzing maturity and organic content versus hydrocarbons produced.


  • Geolog could use a LAS batch loading graphical interface that doesn't require the use of prompt commands.
  • Geolog's geologic intervals display has improved in the last versions, but it's still cumbersome to set up and maintain (i.e. adding new intervals, changing stratigraphy).
  • SKUA-Paradigm should support geographic coordinates in order to avoid the workaround of creating pseudo-coordinates across UTM zone boundaries.
  • Paradigm Geolog has allowed us to handle the vast quantities of well log data in order to achieve our research goals and deliver the results to the sponsoring companies.
  • Paradigm Epos and SKUA-GOCAD have made possible to map the results of our petrophysical analysis on a basin-wide scale encompassing two provinces, without which our research deliverables would not have been possible.
  • Petrel E&P
Regarding the petrophysical modules, I have used other petrophysical software packages, and Paradigm is superior in data handling, visualization, flexibility, and batch calculations. Regarding the mapping and modeling, Paradigm is on par with other software I used on the same scale. SKUA-Gocad has some advantages over its main competitor, in terms of data manipulation, but the inability to handle geographic coordinates has a negative impact on my work efficiency.
The Paradigm geologic and petrophysical interpretation software suite offers a complete package for integrated projects where a team starts from offset well data and leads all the way to mapping of horizons, properties and reservoir models. Geolog, the petrophysical module, is very powerful and versatile. Although they offer separate add-ons, for smaller projects where the petrophysical interpretation is done by a third-party, even the minimum package might be overkill.


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