Paligo is a great CCMS and structured authoring tool!
November 29, 2018

Paligo is a great CCMS and structured authoring tool!

Sarah Holdgrafer | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Paligo

Currently, only my team uses Paligo. My team creates end-user help articles through ZenDesk Guide. Paligo is a CCMS that allows us to use structured authoring to manage all our content and publish not just to ZenDesk, but to PDF and HTML5 as well.

Paligo allows us to single source the majority of our end-user content, reuse topics across multiple articles, publish to multiple channels, filter for languages and markets by country, manage content in an intuitive way, and remove all styling concerns from the content creation process so we can focus just on writing the content and managing article images and gifs. Our article styles are handled all through our external CSS, which automatically applies to articles when we publish to Zendesk. This makes our content creation process shorter overall and allows us to reuse content in multiple formats with different styling, without creating the content from scratch each time.

In addition to managing our knowledge base content, we've also created feature-level user guides in PDF to distribute to select users, and PDF guides to send to developer partners as product documentation required for the plugin development approval process.


  • Topic reuse - many of our tutorial and how-to articles include procedures with the same first steps. Reuse allows us to create these steps once, including images, and reuse them in as many articles as we need.
  • Single sourcing - At any time if the text or images in reused topics need updating, we just update the original topic and the changes reflect in every article that uses that topic.
  • Content management - the topic and media management is excellent. we can organize however we need, rename topics and images as needed and move them around within the folder structure without breaking any links to the topics / articles they are used in (each topic and asset has a unique ID number that doesn't change, allow us to rename and move assets to best suit our needs)
  • Filtering and variables - we can create a single topic that includes all the information for different markets (in this case, different content for accounts in different countries) and by using filtering and variables when building the content and in the publishing workflow I can publish just the US content to our US help center, the UK content to the UK help center, and the Australian content to the Australia help center, but using manage a single article within Paligo itself.
  • Translation and localization workflow - the translation workflow (sending topics to be translated into another language) and localization workflow (publishing the same content in multiple languages) works well within the ZenDesk integration. It uses the ZenDesk localization settings to ensure the proper translation ends up in the correct articlein Zendesk.


  • Speed - since it is cloud-based we do sometimes run into speed issues in loading or saving content
  • steep learning curve requiring training - the Paligo trainer is great, and their help center is also very good, but for individuals not already well versed in structured authoring it's a bit of an uphill battle to really understand why the UI works the way it does. that said, their support is incredibly helpful and enthusiastic!
  • Stats - it would be great to have easier access to data showing which users on my team have created what content and performed what actions within the app or on specific content. This is mostly a manager need as I need to report progress to my manager regularly.
  • Positive - has allowed us to create templates for integration documentation. this has greatly sped up our process for creating articles for each of our integrations, which we haven't had up to this point.
  • Positive - has created greater alignment between the self-service content team and the marketing team.
  • Positive - has introduced a review and feedback workflow for our content creation that was not available in ZenDesk. The feedback directly in the app allows me to pinpoint comments about text and other elements so my writers can address them directly and become better writers in the long term.
  • Negative - long ramp up time due to a completely different approach to creating content. My team was training in early August and we have not yet published our new help center (though, to be fair, it is a lot of content that had to be completely rewritten)
  • Positive - any UI updates only require updating a single image, which has saved us dozens of hours of updating already.
I trialed a version of Oxygen XML editor, but the fact that Paligo is cloud-based and integrates directly to Zendesk sold me, even though Oxygen XML is essentially the de facto standard for most structured authoring.
Content Author / Administrator
A recommendation would be dependent on their needs and numerous other factors, including their publishing channels. For my situation, where a good chunk of content (especially images) are used across dozens of articles, we're documenting the use of an entire SaaS platform and the 100+ integrations we have, and we publish different versions of some content based on account country, it's an ideal fit. Any help center that has more than 100 articles hosted on ZenDesk could potentially benefit from switching to a cloud-based CCMS.

Structured authoring is less appropriate for managing content that is constantly changing or doesn't have a unified structure, like blogs, for instance.

Paligo Feature Ratings

Paligo Support

The support is quick, the team very knowledgeable and invested in my success. The only reason I didn't give it a 10 is because there is no chat support (yet). But, so far, the responses have been quick enough that hasn't been an issue.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
No - Support is included in my subscription level (business plan)
Yes - yes, the issue was resolved within 24 hours
During the early days when I was still learning about the publication process for multilanguage, Steve (my account manager) was incredibly patient while I tested a number of scenarios with Paligo and ZenDesk and explained in great detail why things were working in a way I wasn't expecting. It was a major realignment in my thinking of how the workflow was meant to function. It turns my particular use case was a bit unusual and I worked with Paligo closely to customize the publishing workflow to accomplish what I needed.


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