Our Hybrid Model to Harmonize our Talent Processes and Employee Data
January 24, 2017

Our Hybrid Model to Harmonize our Talent Processes and Employee Data

Job Horbeek | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Global HR
  • Workforce rewards
  • OTBI

Overall Satisfaction with Oracle HCM Cloud

We have set up a global HRIS system, in a hybrid model, using SAP HR as our system of record to capture our global master data across our countries and Fusion/Taleo as our systems to manage talent. We have done so to consolidate our global master data (which resided on local payrolls according to different data models and captured in varying local processes).

Global harmonization of core data and talent processes was the main benefit sought.

Oracle HCM Cloud is used to manage:

-talent acquisition
-performance management
-goal planning
-compensation management

We use both Taleo (recruitment, onboarding, performance management, goal planning) for core HR and workforce compensation. We also have set up OTBI on both Fusion and Taleo.


  • Workforce Intelligence
  • Compensation (which was the prime reason to select oracle)
  • Consulting


  • Exchange Data with other systems (FBL, HDML). Fusion is our slave platform for talent management, tapping data from SAP HR. The initial version of Fusion provided us with a file based loader to manage this data exchange. FBL was not only a very poor layer, but Fusion was not webservice enabled in that version. With the new version, some of the weakest points are overcome (webservice enabled, easier load with HDML). Still, data conversion capabilities are limited.
  • Support function. Fusion in the cloud is supported by a help desk. The help desk has been in overload for a significant period of time. The continuous release of new versions has sometimes resulted in long waiting times.
  • Taleo-Fusion Integration. Taleo and Fusion have some standard integration. But I would not recommend using Taleo Performance next to Fusion compensation. It is more effective to bring performance management and compensation together on Fusion.
  • We were one of the first movers in Italy, and we've been able to explore this together with Oracle. We have been one of the first to adopt an SAP on premise vs. Oracle Cloud model. I would make that choice again tomorrow.
Oracle was the reference solution both on compensation and on e-recruitment.
I would definitely encourage positioning Fusion as a true system of record, while integrating local payroll using a stable and powerful middleware. Fusion is well suited for core HR data, performance management, and compensation. Recruitment and onboarding would well run on Taleo. I would not recommend a scenario where performance management is still on Taleo.

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM Feature Ratings

Employee demographic data
Employment history
Job profiles and administration
Workflow for transfers, promotions, pay raises, etc.
Not Rated
Organizational charting
Organization and location management
Compliance data (COBRA, OSHA, etc.)
Not Rated
Pay calculation
Not Rated
Support for external payroll vendors
Not Rated
Benefit plan administration
Not Rated
Direct deposit files
Not Rated
Salary revision and increment management
Not Rated
Reimbursement management
Not Rated
Approval workflow
Not Rated
Balance details
Not Rated
Annual carry-forward and encashment
Not Rated
View and generate pay and benefit information
Not Rated
Update personal information
Not Rated
View job history
Not Rated
View company policy documentation
Not Rated
Employee recognition
Not Rated
Tracking of all physical assets
Not Rated
Report builder
Pre-built reports
Ability to combine HR data with external data
Performance plans
Performance improvement plans
Review status tracking
Review reminders
Multiple review frequency
Create succession plans/pools
Not Rated
Candidate ranking
Not Rated
Candidate search
Not Rated
Candidate development
Not Rated
New hire portal
Manager tracking tools
Corporate goal setting
Individual goal setting
Line-of sight-visibility
Performance tracking
Job Requisition Management
Company Website Posting
Publish to Social Media
Job Search Site Posting
Duplicate Candidate Prevention
Applicant Tracking
Notifications and Alerts

Using Oracle HCM Cloud

2500 - 

Line managers, distributed across all functions of our medical device company

HR users

1 - Our system administrator does not have strong IT experience, and learned to manage Fusion during the project. For complex issues, he contacts the help desk, and for complex configuration, he relies occasionally on consultants.
  • Recruitment. Ask approval for a vacancy, create a success profile, select for success, hire.
  • Onboarding. Induce the new candidate, and position our company as a global organization.
  • Performance & Goals setting. Define objectives and monitor performance.
  • Compensation. Define merit increase and short-term incentives.
  • Succession planning.
  • Better Analytics. We've got OTBI (Oracle business intelligence), but do not use that tool to its full potential.
The chances of renewal are dependent on many factors, also non-product and price related ones.
  • Adopting cloud has shifted from Capital Expenses to Operative Expenses (Opex).
  • Cloud adoption has made HR more autonomous in the management of its IT solutions
  • Cloud adoption has enabled us to implement fast and module wise, avoiding to over-complicating HR

Evaluating Oracle HCM Cloud and Competitors

  • Product Features
  • Vendor Reputation
  • Existing Relationship with the Vendor
  • Positive Sales Experience with the Vendor
We selected Oracle in two steps.
1. Taleo for eRecruitment & Performance. Vendor reputation and price were the biggest drivers. We did not want to bet on unstable e-recruitment companies in a market were shake out was substantial
2. Compensation for Fusion- The existing relationship with Oracle, the existing landscape, the Taleo/Fusion conversion roadmap and the features of the Compensation module were decisive for thesecond choice.
We have implemented a Hybrid model, with SAP as a system of record, and fusion as a "slave" system.
A scenario that I would consider now is Fusion as a System of record, combined with a solid and mature Middleware to interface payrolls.

Oracle HCM Cloud Implementation

There is a lot of potential on Fusion. We have reaped about 10% of potential benefits. Especially on Workforce Intelligence, the opportunities are huge. The reason why we do not use the solution at its full potential is not in the product (which is simple and transparent). A roadmap is under construction to bring more of its potential to the end user.
  • Vendor implemented
  • Implemented in-house
Change management was a major issue with the implementation - We did not staff enough resources for change management.
Change was needed in a couple of phases:

-Business Case: the main case for the cloud (easy to manage, easy to implement) was not explicitly developed, and differential cash flow forecasts were not presented.
-Request for Proposal: selection phase was too requirement oriented.
-Architecture: we should have convinced the architects to build the architecture around the cloud HCM data model, and provide solid middleware to integrate with other systems. That would have enabled us to make Fusion a system of record, which is its natural state
-Design & Implementation: implementation took place in parallel to our on-premise SAP HR, used as a system of record for employee and organizational master data. This compromised the cloud implementation speed.
-Ongoing. In the transition to ongoing, It asks for its traditional place as "owner" of the system. In the cloud, HR could very well act as the owner of systems, reaping the full benefit of aligning processes close with the system.

  • SAP Oracle Integration. In our hybrid model, core master data are captured on SAP HR, our system of record for employee and organizational master data. Talent management takes place on Oracle Cloud. Key is seamless integration between these two areas. Sourcing and planning the construction of this interface has proven to be challenging.

Oracle HCM Cloud Support

Oracle has an excellent support model. The challenge is in adopting this support model and making traditional IT and non-mature system administrators use this model. In combination with the Oracle Cloud (client) Community, the support is excellent.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Immediate help available
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Escalation required
Need to explain problems multiple times
Yes - Many issues were solved in successive versions or patches.
Sometimes this forced us to upgrade.
On Taleo Performance, some issues seem to be persistent.
There was an emergency ticket in the second year we ran our performance management. An employee group was defined in the wrong way, the wrong button was hit, and accidentally a performance review for 1600 people was launched. These 1600 employees were about to receive an email with a duplicate performance review. Very fast intervention from a mature Oracle help desk specialist helped us to avoid emails being sent. In addition, we received guidance on the cleanup of duplicate reviews in the 24 hours following this mistake (weekend).

Using Oracle HCM Cloud

Oracle managed to maintain its useability advantage. It will have new competitors on eRecruitment, where needs are quickly changing.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
Not well integrated
  • ERecruit: Requisition definition
  • Onboarding: Dashboard
  • Performance Management: Self Assessment
  • Publishing vacancies (and setting up the integration with the aggregator)
Yes - Very well.
Good campaign needed to [be] adopted.


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