How Does NetDocuments Stack Up In the Market?
April 17, 2018

How Does NetDocuments Stack Up In the Market?

Rick Hahn | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with NetDocuments

We use NetDocuments to create a secure repository for our documents and to demo the product in use for potential clients. It is ideal for a multiple site environment with the need to collaborate securely with common document sets. It puts all types of documents in one place including all office generated documents, PDFs, pictures; even email is handled as just another document type. So no need to have a separate tool for managing email archives.


  • Providing limited access to specific documents to strategic partners outside your organization while maintaining security for the rest of your repository.
  • Providing granular security to maintain ethical firewalls in situations where your organization represents competing interests
  • Customer support is really good. All phone representatives are expert in the product and can provide real solutions without resorting to scripted responses. In addition, there is a vast consultant community with in-depth knowledge in a wide range of industries and markets.
  • Transparency is a key ethos with NetDocuments, when they have a problem they are clear about what, where and why; and when it will be solved.


  • Browser support needs improvement, there are too many ways your browser settings can create problems. While they provide good support for these potential difficulties, they need a better plug and play solution.
  • Some pre-programmed out of the box workspace and profiles that can be deployed as a starting point to jump-start the rollout process for smaller organizations.
  • The only possible negative impact on ROI are two: One, you choose not to spend the dollars on infrastructure to make sure you have fast web access or Two, you do not provide enough training to your staff to ensure expectations are met when the product rolls out.
  • My first roll out the planning was a little thin on the ground and users were not trained well enough and they kept trying to avoid the product. Once the training caught up with all the users the product was embraced.
WatchDox and WorldDox both provided what looked like similar features but too much of the technical requirements fall on the customer and they, at the time of my evaluation, were not true cloud products. They were client \ server-based product hosted in the cloud. If you do not know the difference, research until you do. iManger is a viable alternative if you are just not able to get the internet speed you need for NetDocuments. But heads up it is not the Swiss Army knife for security features like NetDocuments.
It is ideal where security is your number one concern or where there is a need to share securely across different physical locations. Speed is less than ideal in certain usage scenarios. It is limited by the speed of the internet and it can be difficult to pull large quantities of documents when researching or answering discovery requests, although, that being said, it can be addressed by maintaining your own secure server to contain a mirror of your online documents. But then the security for a mirror falls back on the organization.


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