Recommended Best IDE - NetBeans
February 11, 2019

Recommended Best IDE - NetBeans

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with NetBeans

Net beans is an open source IDE that provides comprehensive facilities for programmers for software development. It consists of a source code editor, built-in automation tools. It allows developers to create multiple projects for mobile, web applications with support of multiple languages support like JAVA, PHP, HTML, CSS etc. It offers us a smart and fast way to develop a project and code. It provides robust code analyzers, converter, and editor. It is compatible with every operating system and can be installed very easily. It stores the history of codes so that you can check the last piece of code what you’ve written. Formatting and defining rules for each language. The best part is it is free of cost. The software is compatible with all operating platforms.


  • Supports multiple languages which help in coding for developers.
  • Support cross-platform like Mac, Ubuntu, Windows etc.
  • Rich set of community provided plugins.
  • Easy & efficient project management.
  • Bug free formatted code and much more.


  • Heavy software needs more RAM. It does tend to use a lot of your computer's resources if you're loading up a huge project and slow things down.
  • Problems with configuring plugins.
  • With every release of a new version, there are some bugs which create problems while coding.
  • Bug free coding. Well formatted code and readable easily for other developers.
  • Support multiple languages so it shows an error if the code is wrongly written.
  • Supports Git which helps for deployment to production.
  • Sublime Text
  • Notepad++
  • Atom
Net beans is way better editor IDE than any other software. It is more advanced and more stable. The only problem with net beans is it consumes more resources of laptop / computer than any other editor. Sublime also supports multiple languages like NetBeans but it has a lot less functionality than NetBeans which could be used while creating and working on new projects. NetBeans supports Git and other plugins helping on the project flow correctly.
NetBeans is well suited for developers as it consists of features which are used a lot of time while coding. Best features where it is suited are:
  • 1. Cross-platform support.
  • 2. Multiple Language support.
  • 3, Debugger.
  • 4. Product management.
  • 5. Code editor.
  • 6. Free of cost - open source IDE These features may or may not be found in any other software. NetBeans offers assistance to optimize memory usage and application speed.


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