Third generation Social Listening tool that really works and gets you instant insights!
Updated December 16, 2015

Third generation Social Listening tool that really works and gets you instant insights!

Simon Quinton | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
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App Version

Overall Satisfaction with NetBase

I have used NetBase for approximately 2 years and mainly for social listening purposes. The problems I solve are usually around 'what is being said about our brand/product/campaign on-line'. NetBase has very specific ways in which I have been able to answer this, with detailed reporting and multiple data visualisations available to me to help back up any findings.

The tool allows me to pinpoint specific triggers of conversation and to feed this back to the brand to help in wider strategic research and activation. Having the ability to say for certain what people are saying about you online really does help to mould business strategy and best practice.

The tool also offers owned channel analysis for Facebook and Twitter, something I have found very useful as it is detailed enough to get the right results but does not require in-depth analysis, saving time! Also this is at no extra cost, saving on having to pay for an additional third party platform tool.


  • The great thing about NetBase is the ease of use, once you have learnt the tool, to gain instant, viable insights for a range of social listening and channel/content performance activities.
  • The ability to fully customise and alter the 'widgets' used in dashboards puts NetBase at the front of the social listening tools pack to me. The team at NetBase is also super eager to help and is constantly tweaking and improving the tool, unlike many others in this space
  • The dashboards serve as a one-stop shop for the user to gleam real insight into social conversation and what is driving (or not in some cases!) the conversation, be it via a timeline, hashtag cloud, influencer list etc.


  • I would say that really the only drawbacks I have found over time are sometimes the slowness of a dashboard to update, however I must stress this is usually due to the number of widgets open and data being processed than the tool being 'slow'.
  • Anytime I have had an issue with a topic not updating or making sense the support team is there to help and often come up with a solution very quickly.
15 - The tool is used across Digital Analytics practices, with a large team of users trained on the tool across 3-4 countries.
  • NetBase has allowed us to gain real insight at a quick pace, meaning more time can be spent on detailed analysis of topics, themes and content and thus impacting the overall time spent on data crunching.
  • We have used NetBase at advanced levels for full strategy pieces and it has proven a great asset when doing so due to the volume of features and ability to customise the tool as required.
  • The increase in employee efficiency means more time can be spent on building fully thought out reports and findings, to the benefit of our clients.
We had primarily used Sysomos for many years but the tool has not developed and is very limited in what you can do. NetBase was instantly better in terms of ease of use and the data it provided, plus the constant development means it stays ahead of the curve, all for a similar price.
NetBase is moving towards industry leading analysis in terms of social listening and how brands/analysts can use the data provided to get real insight into what conversations are taking place and what is driving them. They recently launched a new browser app version of the tool which is much sleeker, quicker and has added much more depth and the ability to download a full report ready to go to the client if needed, saving a lot of time!
NetBase is excellent for almost all social listening, influencer identification and owned content/campaign performance analysis. It has few limitations due to the constant evolving of the platform by the dev team at NetBase.

Quid Feature Ratings

Configuring NetBase

Overall I feel the level of configurability is about right for this type of product, especially given that Netbase is a much more advanced tool than other listening tools on the market.

NetBase Support

Excellent all round service and quick to help at all hours
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - Yes, anything we feel that needs updating is submitted to the dev team for the next roll-out of updates

Using NetBase


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