MySQL is an RDBMS for all seasons and all reasons
November 13, 2018

MySQL is an RDBMS for all seasons and all reasons

Kenneth Hess | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with MySQL

MySQL is used for various data-backed applications. We use it across the organization for multiple projects, R&D, and in production. The biggest problems it solves for us is its ease of use, no cost for the GA version, and its long feature list. The fact that it has no cost is a big boost for us. We can deploy it at will and on VMs over and over again. We can also port the data to production systems without any changes or hassles. MySQL is a big problem solver for us.


  • MySQL can take data from a lot of different sources and import it into a Relational table.
  • MySQL is fast and uses very few resources on the host system.
  • It is a robust RDBMS that has an almost unlimited number of applications.
  • In case you need support, MySQL is owned by Oracle so you can get support for your production systems.
  • MySQL has a huge user community behind it and a lot of questions and answers have been published about it.


  • MySQL is always improving through active development but needs to add on more enterprise features such as scalability tools and features.
  • Some users report problems with stored procedures and triggers.
  • Some users report that transactions aren't handled efficiently.
  • MySQL has had a very positive impact on our bottom line because of its low barrier to obtain and use and its no-cost status.
  • MySQL ease of use makes it a great platform for those who need to implement an RDBMS without a long learning curve.
  • MySQL uses standard SQL and has most of the enterprise functionality of competitor RDBMSs.
MySQL performs very well and has a great feature set. It gives the user, developer, and DBA a lot of bang for no bucks. It is efficient, cost-effective, and doesn't require other specialized hardware or software to run. Microsoft SQL Server generally only works on Windows. There is a Linux version but I've gotten mixed reviews on it. PostgreSQL is a true enterprise RDBMS that competes very well with MySQL but it seems to be far more complex to learn and to manage. MySQL meshes the best of all worlds together for a great RDBMS experience.
MySQL is very well-suited to read-intensive database applications. It is very fast. It is also a great enterprise database for new DBAs because it is easy to obtain and installs on a variety of systems and platforms. Although I have not directly experienced problems, MySQL developers report that transactions aren't handled efficiently and that its trigger functionality is lacking sophistication. The biggest problem I've seen with it is how difficult it is to maintain stored procedures. That is a very common complaint and not isolated to my applications.

MySQL Support

The support staff is friendly, knowledgeable, and efficient. I only had to get part way through my explanations before they had a solution. They will walk you through a fix or actually connect in and fix the problem for you--or would if you can allow it. I've done it both ways with them. They are always forthcoming with 'how to do this if it happens again' information. I love working with MySQL support.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - At a previous job, we paid for premium support. The support and training from the MySQL support staff is unbeatable. They are the most knowledgeable and the nicest ever. I loved working with MySQL support both before and after the Oracle buyout. The training experience is the best tech training experience I've had.
I had just converted a system to MySQL from Oracle and the support staff was very cool about it and was very helpful. There weren't any problems with the conversion or data export/import. I had a coworker who kept botching the process but the MySQL staff was very forgiving and didn't judge. They helped me multiple times to get our production systems operational. I finally had the coworker get on the call with them and walk him through the fix so that I wouldn't have to do it again. ;-)

Using MySQL

I give MySQL a 9/10 overall because I really like it but I feel like there are a lot of tech people who would hate it if I gave it a 10/10. I've never had any problems with it or reached any of its limitations but I know a few people who have so I can't give it a 10/10 based on those complaints.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Feel confident using
  • Installation is very simple and there's a lot of documentation for first-timers.
  • Getting data into MySQL is very easy and there are multiple methods of doing so.
  • Querying and using SQL with MySQL is very easy. Almost every SQL command works.
  • Building web applications with MySQL as a data source is very easy.
  • I prefer MySQL's native engine to that of InnoDB. I find InnoDB to be a little cumbersome.
  • The initial setup on Linux can be a little tricky but just follow the documentation.
  • I don't particularly care for MySQL on Windows. It just seems wrong and feels non-native.


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