I am obsessed with Monday.com!
October 21, 2019

I am obsessed with Monday.com!

Jen Sheppard | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with monday.com

  • I truly live in Monday.com. It's the first thing I look at when I start my day, even before emails.
  • It helps me stay organized and the rest of my team stay organized and in the loop
  • no negatives so far
It's used by our operations department. Most of us work remotely so it's an excellent tool for us all to stay in touch, collaborate, communicate,etc. I personally use Monday.com for just about everything. I keep my daily to do list, meeting notes, and random thoughts there. It's nice because I can easily share it with the rest of my team.


  • Team collaboration, communication, and sharing
  • Also love that it integrates with my Calendar so I can easily see due dates of projects
  • Very helpful integration and automation tools


  • I honestly can't think of anything
I personally haven't had to use the support for Monday.com yet. I've attended a couple of their webinars to learn more about what features they are rolling out and how other companies are using the monday.com capabilities and those have been very helpful and informative.

Do you think monday.com delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with monday.com's feature set?


Did monday.com live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of monday.com go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy monday.com again?


As a team, we have found multiple use cases for Monday.com. We've been able to create and share forms all within Monday.com. Sharing meeting notes and action items with the whole group while being able to tag others and have them comment and provide feedback. It's really helped us all get organized.

monday.com Feature Ratings

Task Management
Resource Management
Gantt Charts
Not Rated
Workflow Automation
Team Collaboration
Support for Agile Methodology
Not Rated
Document Management
Email integration
Mobile Access
Not Rated
Timesheet Tracking
Not Rated
Change request and Case Management
Not Rated
Not Rated


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