I am obsessed with Monday.com!
Overall Satisfaction with monday.com
- I truly live in Monday.com. It's the first thing I look at when I start my day, even before emails.
- It helps me stay organized and the rest of my team stay organized and in the loop
- no negatives so far
It's used by our operations department. Most of us work remotely so it's an excellent tool for us all to stay in touch, collaborate, communicate,etc. I personally use Monday.com for just about everything. I keep my daily to do list, meeting notes, and random thoughts there. It's nice because I can easily share it with the rest of my team.
- Team collaboration, communication, and sharing
- Also love that it integrates with my Calendar so I can easily see due dates of projects
- Very helpful integration and automation tools
- I honestly can't think of anything
Do you think monday.com delivers good value for the price?
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Did monday.com live up to sales and marketing promises?
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Did implementation of monday.com go as expected?
I wasn't involved with the implementation phase
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