Miro Excellent Planning & Design Organizing Web Software
March 30, 2022

Miro Excellent Planning & Design Organizing Web Software

Steven Gomez | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Miro

Miro is an excellent software to use for visual plot creation. It already has built-in templates at the free model. The pricing for the software is acceptable and team members up to 20 can be used for a decent monthly fee. Updates are automatically made and can be accessed on all browsers. Additional features that are excellent is images, text, lines of code, and other applications can be implemented into your current dashboard that you are using form Python to even addition applications by contacting the team. I have only implemented python and azure for developing UI and auto application programs that run when collecting data. The visual prowess that this software can do is amazing because I have created multiple templates within the dashboard to create an individual based application for automation detection for troubleshooting issues. Miro is an excellent online software platform to begin initial plan developments for setting goals, flow charts, mind maps, fish bone diagram, and you can create your own customized one with your team. For companies I recommend buying the plan to provide security as some dashboard are made public to the Miro community. The Miro community is also helpful for those wanting to plan out a project and record the steps that are progress overtime. Templates can be shared or kept private based on your membership.


  • Well-designed planning templates.
  • Ease of access.
  • Ease of use.
  • Excellent dashboard integration with Coding Applications.


  • Increase template vault.
  • Integrate better coding applications for step-by-step outlines.
  • Provide more dashboard access for other users.
  • Reduced project completion.
  • Improved timeline productivity.
  • Quicker adjustments in team collaboration.
Miro can implemented in several ways while also providing a great ROI due to the time saving that can be done by avoiding repeating statements when it comes to planning and organization. Visual planning has been great while also sharing updates and videos when referring to other information pasted and copied into the dashboard.
Miro is great for users across all websites and platforms. Miro can be used from non-technical users to technical users regardless of their level. It can be shared easily within teams while also adopting the necessary updates as needed for team usage. Users can update and add information as long as they have gained access no matter the time and location.
Miro has been great when being used in an across platform section. It has helped my organization structure plots and ideas into deadlines by creating flowcharts to meet deadlines, but as well as meet help share information and ideas when creating these flowcharts. Team collaboration is crucial when working on multiple projects.

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Miro is well-suited for planning, organizing, and tracking deadlines. Miro has great usage when creating a mind map or other customized layout for implementing a plan, while also adding other applications into the dashboard you are working on. Miro is a web online platform to be used across a team for collaboration and timeline meeting. It provides open management for the entire team instead of just the project lead or manager. Miro has so much to offer when implementing simple systems to even complex engineering flow designs. Though sometimes there some limitations it is great to be used for explaining hard complex visuals by restricting them into simple visual for non-technical individual to understand them.

Using Miro

  • Organization.
  • Planning deadlines.
  • Personal project development.
Miro is simple yet effective for being used during the early stages of development. Long-term commitment when using the software in companies early stages is highly recommended, but more importantly it provides great structure for a team regardless of the stage a team is on. It is also is a great way to show visual flowcharts to team members instead of an old-fashioned PowerPoint flowchart, which is ineffective and does not suffice nowadays.

Using Miro

Miro provides an easy UI (user interface) for novice and new users. The dashboard system that Miro has is straight forward along with the pre-filled templates that come with the software. Miro also makes it easy to be used with in a team collaboration setting along with any other use that is required for the team. Miro is constantly providing new templates while also adding privacy which is based on your membership.
Like to use
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
Unnecessarily complex
  • Flowchart design planning.
  • Team collaboration & sharing.
  • Implementing coding applications.
  • Implementing specific coding functions.
  • Restructuring plots when individually.


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Verified User