Mention May Be The Only Tool Of Its Kind And Ahead Of The Game
May 02, 2018

Mention May Be The Only Tool Of Its Kind And Ahead Of The Game

Stephen Thomas | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Mention

An Invaluable Tool Long Overdue For Small Businesses

Mention is used to gauge the interaction and quality of our social media content. We use the data to improve our content and gain insight into what our audience likes or dislikes. Seeing the click-through rate of our material helps with developing exciting content our followers will more likely be interested in reading. It also helps to know the effectiveness and reach our content gets once posted and the organic reach of older material. The data acquired when using mentions has proven to be an asset to our company. The features provided help us get an idea of what improvements are needed or may improve the engagement of our posts and impression on our audience. Without some of the features available, we would be spending countless dollars trying to keep track of all the details of running content campaigns. Having a small company on a limited budget, it helps to have mentioned as a tool that replaces the lack of employee power.


  • Engagement - Knowing how well your content is doing with your audiences is a beneficial feature to have at your disposal.
  • Reach - Knowing the who, and where your content ends up, gives a better insight into how compelling your content is.
  • Data Reports - The many features offered by Mention is invaluable. Some of the best thought out features are with this company.


  • Price - This is the only issue we have encountered. As a small company struggling to stay afloat. Pricing is always an issue. Mindfulness of the unfortunate needs more attention in the future. Doing so may attract more users in our opinion.
  • At this point, the data to support if the results of using Mention has helped or hurt our Return on Investment. We are using wishful thinking to evaluate the effectiveness of using Mention. More time will be needed to determine the actual value of using Mention.
1 - At this point, unfortunately, only one person is running our company. There have not been any employees at all at our company. Though options to fix this problem will be a daily challenge. Further consultation and resources will be reviewed to determine when, where, and how to get the task done in the future.
Currently, there are no other tools available with the features that Mention has possible according to our knowledge and experience. We firmly believe that Mention has placed themselves in a category all of their own. In the ten years, our company has been around. We have yet to come across any other companies like Mention. Pretty sure there may be another company or competition. None like Mention in our opinion are available, however.
Mention is one of the best tools around. It would be foolish to assume that every business will have a use for this powerful tool with features that most small businesses and startups overlook the development of their brand and company. For example, there are a lot of companies and startups with beginner entrepreneurs who lack the knowledge to get an adequate start with their business ideas or launches.


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