Luminate - Good for some, but not for all
Updated September 21, 2017

Luminate - Good for some, but not for all

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 5 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Luminate TeamRaiser
  • RELO Integration

Overall Satisfaction with Luminate

Luminate is being used primarily by the events department to track gifts for three specific events. It allows them to manage the P2P gifts generated by these events.


  • Luminate allows us to easily manage our P2P fundraisers. Since adopting the RELO integration, being able to track who gave towards our P2P events has become much easier.
  • Luminate allows us to sync our pages to our gifts so that we easily know where specific gifts came from.
  • Luminate allows us to create pages that meet our standards of quality.


  • Tracking Organizations that donate is difficult.
  • RELO integration does not allow users to select where information goes. Any customization must be done once the gift goes into batch. Being able to set defaults for gifts in processing would save time (such as the defaults for transactions in the EFT module).
  • The RELO integration process was frustrating. We felt that there was a major lack of communication and that we were not a high priority for our consultant.
  • We would like to be able to add a specific gift date to offline gifts rather than them defaulting to the date that they were entered.
I've used both BBNC and Sphere with other clients. As I work primarily with data, my first choice of the three would be BBNC, but it does not have the team functionality that this client needs.
Most of the organizations that my company works with are better served by OLX. They don't need the bells and whistles of Luminate nor do they have the staff knowledge or time to manage LO. However, for larger organizations that have significant P2P or online needs, LO can provide solutions. It's just not the easiest solution to pick up and learn, particularly for an organization with a smaller staff where the team doesn't have time to learn an additional software and manage the integration.

Using Luminate

10 - Event staff and data entry staff (all on the Development team), finance department (report pulls only). Events staff create pages for event and gift entry staff only enters financial transactions.

Luminate Support

I think that it is ridiculous that only certain people can access support. I do like being able to create a case and track it via email, but I have had a hard time getting what I need at times. I find this process cumbersome and tedious. This system should be geared around the user and not the support staff, but it feels like it is the other way around.
Escalation required
Difficult to get immediate help
Need to explain problems multiple times
Support doesn't seem to care
Slow Initial Response
Yes - We couldn't function without it. The standard package is not that helpful. In my opinion, support should be standard and there shouldn't even be such a thing as paying for premium support. ALL clients should receive excellent support as part of their software purchase.
We have a fantastic customer success manager. He is the shining star who has taken care of things and gotten us what we need in a timely manner. Before he was assigned to our organization, it felt like we couldn't get anything that we needed. But, he has made a huge difference in making the experience more pleasant.

Using Luminate

Luminate is not as intuitive as it could be and it is definitely not accessible for the average user. Getting help from support requires that you are listed as one of the users from your org that is authorized to contact support, so help is not readily accessible. But, the results that are possible from LO are fantastic, so if you have a staff member who is able to spend the time learning the product, can comprehend enough about webpages to work with the many moving parts and you're willing to pay for the quality, then this is a great tool.


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