The BEST chart generator
June 01, 2021

The BEST chart generator

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Lucidchart

Lucidchart is very user friendly. We have members from work that are experts in architecture layouts and people that can barely use Microsoft Word. However the use of Lucidchart is so easy to that there is barely a learning curve and all users can collaborate with ease on joint projects together.
Lucidchart is an excellent way for new companies to collaborate with each other. We've used it to map out where our equipment will be going along with where all our new employees will be sitting. It's helped us with organizing everything from seats, to who directs what projects, and who to report to for any questions.


  • Seating.
  • Position.
  • Equipment storage.
  • Flow charts.


  • Having to drag each shape.
  • Should be able to just click on the shape and have it on your working page.
  • More diverse shapes needed.
  • Productivity has increased.
  • Communication has gotten better.
  • Helps us reach our monthly goals.
We use Lucidchart with Slack daily. It has been very helpful to just drop a shared link in a slack conversation for everyone to clearly see what area we are referring to. With the hovering mouse people can present their creations on Lucidchart and point out to where they are making changes and improving.
We haven't had to reach out to Lucidchart for any type of support, but they made adding new members to our shared charts very easy and without trouble. I know if we do need help in the future they will most likely be very accommodating so I'm not worried about that aspect.

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Lucidchart stacks up very well.
Lucidchart is a great tool for companies to collaborate on together for quick on the spot changes and mapping out spaces. It has especially been helpful for our new startup company as our space was a blank canvas ready for mapping. We love how easy it is to let other people make changes and it is very user friendly.


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