Integral, Awesome software
March 11, 2024

Integral, Awesome software

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Looker

Looker is used throughout my organization, for reporting on a host of different areas including revenue tracking, ad request monitoring, campaign management/pacing, and traffic acquisition. We have scheduled email reports set up covering a plethora of different use cases, that are leveraged both internally and externally. Problems addressed include regular access to data, distributing information to stakeholders on a fixed cadence, and keeping different teams appraised of what is going on while mitigating the need for excessive meetings.


  • Filtering - you can filter across different dimensions and metrics to get a more specific "cut" of data
  • Refreshing - data automatically ingests into Looker which allows reports to be updated and backfilled in real time
  • Conditional Reporting - you can leverage Looker's reporting features to flag when a given metric or KPI falls below or above a specified threshold. For example, if you had a daily sales benchmark in a SAAS organization, you could use Looker to flag whenever daily sales falls above or below the benchmark


  • Filtering - while the filter-ability of Looker is quite robust, the feature can be quite inconsistent. For example, sometimes you have to refresh a Look several times to get a filter to register all available options
  • Row Limit - while it happens infrequently, it may be the case that you need to export a dataset that is comprised of over 5,000 rows. Looker can be a bit finicky in this case, as you are unable to export over that amount, which means you would need to export the data in multiple sets, increasing the likelihood of duplicate rows
  • Data delay - sometimes the timing around data refreshes can be very inconsistent, so it can be difficult to guarantee a Look refreshing correctly at a specified time.
  • Looker has a poignant impact on our business's ROI objectives. As an advertising exchange we have specific goals for daily requests and fill, and having premade Looks to monitor this is an integral piece of our operational capability
  • To facilitate an efficient monthly billing cycle in our organization, Looker is essential to track estimated revenue and impression delivery by publisher. Without the Looks we have set up, we would spend considerably more time and effort segmenting revenue by vertical.
  • Looker's unique value proposition is making analytical tools more digestible to people without conventional analytical experience. Other competing tools like Tableau require considerably more training and context to successfully use, and the ability to easily plot different visualizations is one of its greatest selling points.
Looker is considerably easier to learn than any of the other tools listed above. For example, Tableau does offer a robust selection of visualizations, however setting them up and plotting the data correctly is considerably harder than in Looker. Another major advantage of Looker is embeddable reports, which can be easily accessed by the necessary stakeholders.

Do you think Looker delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Looker's feature set?


Did Looker live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Looker go as expected?


Would you buy Looker again?


Well Suited: Aggregating massive amounts of data, segmenting it by a given unit of time, and setting up reports to monitor it. When properly set up, Looks can be the bedrock of an organization's analytical/reporting capability.

Less Appropriate: Explore models can quickly become dysfunctional and slow. One area for improvement is some kind of recommendation system to say "make these tweaks to your Explore to avoid errors with loading time."

Looker Feature Ratings

Pixel Perfect reports
Customizable dashboards
Report Formatting Templates
Drill-down analysis
Formatting capabilities
Integration with R or other statistical packages
Not Rated
Report sharing and collaboration
Publish to Web
Publish to PDF
Report Versioning
Report Delivery Scheduling
Pre-built visualization formats (heatmaps, scatter plots etc.)
Location Analytics / Geographic Visualization
Multi-User Support (named login)
Role-Based Security Model
Not Rated
Multiple Access Permission Levels (Create, Read, Delete)
Not Rated
Report-Level Access Control
Responsive Design for Web Access
Dashboard / Report / Visualization Interactivity on Mobile


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