On the Ball--LiveBall Performs When You Need it Most.
November 15, 2013

On the Ball--LiveBall Performs When You Need it Most.

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review

Overall Satisfaction


  • The multiplicity of options is amazing. Anything and everything you want or need is right at your fingertips.
  • The customer service and interaction is beyond any other company I have ever worked with. If I had a question, concern or just needed guidance, they were always more than happy to help.
  • The end results always look very impressive.


  • It is very complex. To get to the final product, you must be able to patiently navigate while imputing a lot of information.
  • It is quite time consuming. To get to the page I need, it takes a lot of digging, imputting, and trial and error.
  • A great ROI is that we have a lower bounce rate on our ads. We have issues with people making assumptions about the kind of business we do but with LiveBall the decrease on bounce rate has helped introduce more people to our company.
  • With LiveBall, we've been able to test out different layouts for ads which has helped increase interest in our company.
Despite the complexity of the LiveBall, the overall product yields results that cannot be found anywhere else. The customer support alone is worth the renewal but the products they produce and our end results make LiveBall the obvious choice. I would recommend it to any company, big or small, nonprofit or otherwise, to use LiveBall--it will only increase your quality of advertisements and quantity of interest in your company/product.
LiveBall is going to be the answer to a lot of questions regarding your advertising platform. I would insist that live training session be included at the beginning of use and that perhaps monthly/bi-monthly meetings are in order. Also, I would ask about a trial to see how it would work for their company.

Product Usage

3 - We have two individuals from Marketing and one from the Customer Relationship department.
2 - The main group of individuals working with LiveBall live within different departments. One, the Digital Marketing Strategist and the other is a Business Analyst with the Customer Relations department. By providing input from both individuals, our use of the LiveBall platform expands encompassing multiple perspectives regarding advertisements and our customers. It is nice to have multiple log-in capabilities with LiveBall.
  • Advertisements
  • Research on bounce rate
  • Research on advertisement layout opportunties
  • Advertisement capabilities and functionality.
  • The research that has been able to come out of using LiveBall is amazing. Instead of being locked into one particular advertisement, we've been able to go into the various designs and see which one is performing more efficiently. It helps receive feedback from customers without bothering them for details.
  • Dynamic content is our biggest obstacle and opportunity. If we are able to utilize it, we will able to reach our diverse customer base on an individualized level. I am excited to see how this concept will play out in the future when using LiveBall.

Evaluation and Selection

  • Price
  • Product Features
  • Product Reputation
  • Vendor Reputation
  • Third-party Reviews
Prepare questions before hand about product usage and average time spend creating dynamic advertisements.


Always ask and insist upon training at the start of use and throughout the process.
Change management was minimal
  • Getting use to the complexity of the product.


They offer fantastic support and training opportunities never leaving any questions unanswered. If I sent an e-mail to them, I can expect a thorough answers within a day plus more insights on how to make my product better.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
No - We are a nonprofit and cannot afford to pay for it.
Yes - It was resolved quickly and effectively.
I can't provide a single time because it happens every single time. Ion Interactive provide some of the best support I have received while using an outside product in a long time. Ion Interactive is quick to respond, engaging, insightful, and patient for when I need the time to understand. I enjoy the thorough, helpful support.


I like LiveBall and wouldn't use any other products but it can be at times difficult and time consuming to use. I often have to spend a few days to through all of my work perfectly before I can be done in LiveBall.
Like to use
Well integrated
Difficult to use
Requires technical support
Lots to learn
  • The preview function
  • The dynamic content option
  • The particularity of the information/code needed to create the product.
  • The digging it takes to get to the actual area in which I create the product.


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