LOVE Listrak! Great e-comm tool with amazing ROI results
August 16, 2018

LOVE Listrak! Great e-comm tool with amazing ROI results

Steffany Winkelmann | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Listrak

We use Listrak to create and send our email campaigns. I had never heard of Listrak until I started working here, but quickly discovered how easy it was to use, and how much focus they really have on e-commerce. We can quickly create an email, import/upload media files and add them to an email, modify the HTML or create a drag & drop template, segment our various audiences and send our marketing emails to very specific, dynamic segments.

In addition, we use Listrak to send our triggered email campaigns. The setup is incredibly simple and these campaigns have really helped us move the needle. We average about 60/40 for marketing vs triggered sends, and sometimes even see 50/50 on certain months! It definitely helps make my job easier, and while I do rely on their support team and my AM team a lot, they constantly teach me new things so I can figure things out on my own. It's a very sophisticated platform, and while it can seem daunting, it isn't difficult to use. You'll just need to learn a few tricks to help make navigating and creating easier.


  • E-commerce: The focus they have on e-commerce businesses is incredible! We can offer up recommendations to our subscribers based on what they've browsed, abandoned, and/or purchased... all in one email or web page! It makes the process of merchandising in emails that much more personal and simplified.
  • Simplicity: While there are many components to the Listrak platform, each area is simplified in a way to make it easy to use. For example, there are a ton of analytics data, but they offer various visual formats to hone in on what metric(s) you're looking to view.
  • Success: What good is an investment if you're not getting a solid return? Listrak has everything we need (plus some) to be successful. Their team is highly knowledgeable too, and if one person doesn't know something, they'll find the answer for you. They are always very helpful!


  • I'd like more control with the drag & drop template builder. I've used HubSpot in the past, and the builder they offer allows a lot of customization to a simple template which makes someone who isn't savvy with HTML/CSS capable of creating beautiful & mobile friendly templates. It would help me, as sometimes I'm focused too much on the dev side of email creation. Being able to modify the CSS in the header of a builder template, and in specific builder modules, would significantly increase my turn-around time for email creation, and would allow me to leverage others in our marketing team to help in the email process (and send more emails!).
  • The chat feature (and consistency of experience) isn't always that great of an experience. I love being able to quickly message support when I run into something, but in truth, there have been a few too many times that my chats have been left unread for 20+ minutes, and once when a support person just ghosted me in perhaps one of the most difficult times that I needed them (and was extremely pressed for time, unable to call them). I ended up figuring it out on my own, but the consistency in chat is lacking.
  • This one is silly, but it has been a source of pain for me: the ability to exclude audiences. When I'm creating a segment, I have the option to pull in saved audiences (previously saved searches for a group of contacts). But I don't have the option to exclude them, which requires making a new audience with logic that sometimes I have to cross my fingers and hope the logic is correct and all-encompassing. It's not a deal-breaker, but it doesn't help save time in the email sending process.
  • A huge ROI! Email accounts for a very, very significant portion of our overall company revenue (especially when you compare cost vs sales).
  • They help me understand information that Google Analytics cannot show (e.g., how certain split tests perform regarding revenue, when the campaign parameters are the same) and of course show us engagement info.
  • The only big negative is that, because it requires knowledge of HTML/CSS, taking a vacation is very difficult for me because I'm the only one managing our email program. None of our other marketing team members know enough to help me when I'm swamped or need extended time off. If only that really customizable builder were available......... ;)
The focus Listrak has on e-commerce was a huge selling point. The price-point and easy installation were another attraction. The product is simple, clean, effective, and encompasses everything we need to be successful. It was a clear winner for us.
It is definitely a contender if you run an e-commerce website. It connects with a host of different e-comm platforms (we use Magento) which makes product recommendations, purchase history/amounts, website behavior, etc. a lot easier to segment on and set trigger campaigns or targeted sends.

If you're a B2B company, you probably won't want to use Listrak. The tools they have don't accommodate that segment as well as B2C, as many features would go unused since they simply don't make sense. I'm sure there are instances where Listrak would work just fine, but coming from that area previously, it is definitely a B2C tool.


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