Linkedin Talent, A Solid Recruiting Platform!
December 24, 2018

Linkedin Talent, A Solid Recruiting Platform!

Avni Shah | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with LinkedIn Talent

LinkedIn Talent is primarily used in our Recruiting department. In my current company, I and other members of my recruiting team use this platform. The business problems Linkedin Talent helps solve is finding quality candidates. We post our open positions on LinkedIn and use it for sourcing candidates. The Linkedin Inmail feature is great in helping send messages to prospective candidates. The job postings we have on Linkedin also helps us attract active candidates into our open positions. I love that I can easily search for candidates with the touch of a few filters. The filters one can use range from current company, education, how long a candidate has been at their current job, and if they are currently open to new opportunities!


  • Search Feature. A recruiter can easily use the platform to find their ideal candidate. There is a variety of filters to help you. If you are not strong in Boolean searches, the filters really come in handy! I’ve trained 2 members of my team with this platform and they love how easy it is to use!
  • Project folders. This feature allows a recruiter to put prospective candidates in a folder. You can select multiple candidates and put them in a folder. You can then send this folder over to a hiring manager to get their review. I love this feature since it helps me be organized.
  • Job Slots. With our Linkedin Talent account, we also included the job slot feature where in which we can post a select number of our open positions. Many of our new hires have actually come through the linked job postings!
  • Unlimited Inmails. I love the fact that I can easily reach out to candidates. With the connectifier plugin, recruiters are now able to reach out to the prospective candidate through their personal email address!


  • InMails. The con of sending InMails is that many times you don’t get a response back. Linkedin should have a feature where a recruiter can know if their InMails was even viewed. Better mechanisms need to be put in my place for the InMails feature.
  • Cost. LinkedIn recruiter is not cheap. I wish the cost could be a bit lower especially if there are multiple users.
  • Connectifier is not helpful for global candidates. Many of the candidates that I reach out to are international. Unfortunately, Connectifier isn’t helpful in obtaining email addresses for these international candidates.
  • Positive impact. The tool has helped us in finding quality candidates for our hard to fill positions!
  • Helps in “pipelining” even after we fill a position, we make a folder of prospective candidates that we find through the platform. This list is then revisited once we have additional positions!
  • Outreach to global candidates. We have an office in Spain and we have found so many qualified candidates on the platform to fill those positions!
Linkedin Talent does a fairly good job in helping us find candidates. However, the InMails lack a tracking mechanism that tells us when a recruiter can see when a prospective candidate viewed the InMail or even clicked on a link in the InMail. Entelo provides these functions. I like Entelo better for this reason alone but LinkedIn’s search feature with all the filters is great!
LinkedIn Talent is well suited for those who are looking to find candidates for their technical position and for sourcing in general. Every organization should use this platform as it makes a difference in recruiting efforts. Everyone has a Linkedin profile and it’s one of the best professional sites to reach out to candidates. I recommend that any organization use this.

LinkedIn Talent Hub Feature Ratings

Job Requisition Management
Not Rated
Company Website Posting
Publish to Social Media
Job Search Site Posting
Customized Application Form
Not Rated
Resume Management
Duplicate Candidate Prevention
Not Rated
Candidate Search
Applicant Tracking
Not Rated
Task Creation and Delegation
Email Templates
User Permissions
Notifications and Alerts


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