I really like LaunchDarkly
April 23, 2019

I really like LaunchDarkly

steven mandzik | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with LaunchDarkly

Our engineering team is using it to set feature flags for both testing and hiding of features. This is helpful to allow us to do constant deploys and not have it affect production. Furthermore, we can run tests with those flags to determine the impact of each feature. It's working really well for us!


  • Feature Flagging.
  • A/B Testing.
  • Giving any users access to edit feature flags.
  • Simple UI to interact with.


  • The messaging around features - especially those that turn on/off traffic for prod - could be clearer.
  • It's a little clunky to switch between projects & doesn't remember my default project for some reason.
  • I would like to make changes on my phone - not sure if they have a mobile app.
  • Saved engineering time.
  • Increased speed to market for new features.
  • Enabled iterative development with easier feature flagging.
We built our own in-house solution, and that was what I compared it to. LaunchDarkly was faster, easier, and had a better UI than our internal tool.
It is so much better than our old system which was a custom built system, always took very long to use, and required engineering resources to implement, adjust, update, etc. Now we can simply leverage LaunchDarkly. It is fast and easy. Anyone, not just engineers, can make updates. A particular use case for us is to modify traffic for tests. Turn up the participation or turn it down. Declare a winner. Now our analysts can directly do that as soon as they have the results. It is so much better!


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