A strong and simple php framework for any kind of project
Updated August 30, 2016

A strong and simple php framework for any kind of project

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Laravel PHP Framework

We use Laravel for a major project that in essence is a CMS platform. This CMS platform allows several kind of users to create and maintain custom websites. We chose Laravel because of all the help that it gives the developer. First of all, you can have a web app running in less than 15 minutes. You gotta start defining your database so you can create migrations already included and supported by Laravel. Did I mention it comes with a console called Artisan with a bunch of commands that automate all the scaffolding so you don't have to spend time writing code but thinking on how to solve the problem? You can even extend Artisan and add your own commands. So you start by the migrations, then you define your models (also with Artisan) then you define your controllers and endpoints (also with Artisan), and then you create your views. Here you have to write code, sorry. So it has great integrations with Composer, it comes by default with Grunt so you can automate a lot of tasks and add your own. It has a lot of support, has a great ORM called Eloquent, supports PHP 7. Do I need to say more?


  • Code scaffolding with Artisan
  • Reduce the development time
  • Create custom web systems
  • PHP 7 support
  • Great ORM support with Eloquent


  • The online documentation can be better. If you don't know on which version you are currently working that can be a headache.
  • So far, none. It's just a great choice in terms of learning curve, processing time, code scaffolding, you name it.
The best comparison I can make is against Symfony. It's curious that Laravel is built on top of Symfony. They chose the packages that they found to be useful. Symfony for instance comes with way too much stuff that in the end you never use, and Laravel just comes with the right stuff. If you need more, just use composer to add dependencies or write your own business logic classes.
Any web app, no mater how big or small it is can be implemented with Laravel. I have used it with small personal projects, medium sized projects for clients of my own and in large projects with my current employers and it just works fine.


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