Why you should never use KUKU - advice from a social media manager.
December 26, 2018

Why you should never use KUKU - advice from a social media manager.

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Overall Satisfaction with KUKU.io

I have worked as a marketing manger in-house and at agencies, as well as a freelance social media manager alongside these roles. I have been using KUKU.io for three years to schedule social media posts in all of these roles.

I was using KUKU as it allowed me to schedule posts in advance, saving me time during the working day and allowing me to do a week/month in advance when I had spare time.

However, I have recently decided to cancel my subscription to Kuku because the quality of the service has really decreased and the support team are unwilling to fix ongoing issues with the platform.


  • I wouldn't say ther are any particularly good things about KUKU.io that set them apart from any other scheduling tool.


  • io corrupts headlines of articles you reshare. When you schedule a post with a URL in it, the Title of the blog post that is displayed below the picture/preview gets corrupted. So if you add any text in with the URL, that will replace the headline. I have noticed this on both LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • Very poor support team. I have found that the support team at KUKU.io are extremely rude, unwilling to help you and take a long time to reply. On some occasions I have had to message them three times in the chatbot for them to even reply. None of these times has the issue been resolved. When I reported to them that KUKU.io was corrupting headlines, at first they refused to take responsibility. Finally, they admitted it was the platforms fault but said they were not doing anything at that time to fix it.
  • Analytics are poor. The analytics suite in KUKU.io does not give you anything analytics for LinkedIn. The ones it provides for Twitter you can get directly from Twitter. So no value is added there.
  • You cannot tag LinkedIn accounts. I use HubSpot to schedule social media posts which allows you to tag companies at least. KUKU.io cannot.
5 - The people that use KUKU.io:
The Marketing Team - to schedule blog posts, industry news
Account Managers - to schedule social media posts on behalf of clients
C-level executives - to check posts that are going out of their own accounts
Social media managers - to oversee, and post on behalf of the business, clients, executives.

All are unhappy with the service KUKU.io provides.
  • io has crashed a few times for whole days, or been under maintenance without prior warning. This has happened on a few occasions where I have need to schedule time sensitive posts. During this time no support was available and I had to posts social media posts manually in all channels.
  • io corrupting the headline of social media posts has caused friction with clients as they were unhappy with the service. People in their network noticed the poor quality of the posts and commented that there was something wrong with them. This was an ongoing issue and happened with every single post coming out of KUKU.
  • Before this issue happened, KUKU was great for saving time because I could schedule posts in advance. This saved me hours in a day, and meant I could managed my multiple freelance and permanent roles. However, due to Kuku corrupting posts I can no longer do this.
I have also used: ContentStudio.io

Aside from TweetDeck, all of these scheduling tools are preferable to Kuku because you can schedule posts in advance across multiple channels and accounts. If you're just using Twitter then TweetDeck is a great option to use and very reliable.

Out of all of them I would recommend ContentStudio.io. You can add many accounts, across a range of platforms. You can clone posts that you would like to post more than once which not all scheduling tools offer.

Here is a review of the others:
Buffer - Buffer has a really nice interface. It is probably the best looking scheduling tool with the cleanest, simplest website. Sometimes I had issues with Buffer where it would stop posting and none of my scheduled posts would go out so I stopped using it. Since then, they may have fixed this issue.

Zoho - I have never had any issues with posts not coming out/not coming out correctly from Zoho. However, Zoho probably has the ugliest interface. You also cannot see your posts in a 'calendar' only a list, which is very unhelpful. You also cannot clone posts.

HubSpot - HubSpot supports a range of platforms (all the ones I have needed). You can tag LinkedIn company accounts which is a huge plus. It is really easy to schedule similar/the same posts across a range of platforms all at the same time.

If you would like a reliable scheduling tool, KUKU.io is not the one to use. If you like to share lots of industry news, secondary content, or content from your website/blog, be aware that KUKU.io will corrupt the preview headline. You would be far better off using another scheduling tool.

I have now changed to a free tool and it has all the same capabilities without this corruption issue. I also used paid ones which are equally good.

KUKU.io Feature Ratings

Content planning and scheduling
Not Rated
Campaign success analytics
Mobile access

Evaluating KUKU.io and Competitors

Yes - KUKU.io replaced Buffer as we were having issues with Buffer not sending out scheduled posts.
  • Price
  • Product Usability
We thought it was a cheap option that would be reliable to send posts out. We have now had to change to ContentStudio.io because it was not reliable.

KUKU.io Support

The support team are extremely rude and often unresponsive.

All of the issues I have reported to Kuku has been responded to with "we are not looking to resolve this issue at this time."

On a few occasions, they have tried to deny the issue lies with them, before evidence has been provided. Then, they have refused to fix the issue.
No escalation required
Slow Resolution
Poor followup
Less knowledgeable
Problems left unsolved
Not kept informed
Difficult to get immediate help
Need to explain problems multiple times
Support doesn't seem to care
Slow Initial Response
Yes - Yes, KUKU.io was corrupting social media posts. After three attempts with an unresponsive support agent they said they were not looking to resolve the issue at this time.

They were very rude and difficult to work with.

Using KUKU.io


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