Jitterbit - Finance Processing
December 09, 2015

Jitterbit - Finance Processing

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Jitterbit

Jitterbit was used to process royalty statements from multiple licensees. And Jitterbit was used to streamline the data from multiple sources into our database.


  • It handles different sources very efficiently.
  • Programming in Jitterbit and the available plugins is simple and very effective.
  • User administration permissions provisioning is easy.


  • I would expect more math functions to be added as we had few issues while rounding the numbers.
  • Currently I believe the rows are getting processed one by one, it would be beneficial if we could do a bulk insert options into SQL too.
  • THe ROI was surely positive, we used to write macros and it needs technical expertise and we were able to roll part of the functions to users.
The support that Jitterbit has provided on paper as well as in the real world is great and this was certainly in our top pick list when we did our build/buy analysis.
Jitterbit is well suited for handling multiple files. Where company policies have multiple dev environments, it would require the purchase multiple licenses.


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