Jaspersoft provides the tools your clients will love.
November 18, 2013

Jaspersoft provides the tools your clients will love.

Robert Mills | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review

Software Version

5.0, 5.1, 5.5

Overall Satisfaction with TIBCO Jaspersoft


  • Jaspersoft provides our users with a very robust adhoc reporting engine. It has been the #1 requested feature by our clients. Our users demand control over their data and reporting resources. With Jaspersoft they are able to have the level of control they desire.
  • Jaspersoft has a slight learning curve, but the documentation available is very robust. Nearly every question I've had, I was able to answer within minutes by simply reading the documentation. The guides are clear, concise and go into a level of detail that surpasses any other reporting solution I've tested.
  • The Jaspersoft support team is amazing. I've had a few issues during the single-sign-on integration within our environment. All of my support questions have been answered, and all done so in a very timely manner. Every case I've opened has been initially addressed within minutes of me creating request and all have been followed through to 100% satisfaction.
  • JasperStudio 5.5, with the integration into Eclipse, has received very positive feedback from my team. The report development environments have evolved significantly over the last year and the changes have definitely been for the best.


  • We integrate Jaspersoft into our own web portal. I know recent releases have focused on making this task easier, but it's still not a flawless process. The single-sign-on portion, in our circumstance, requires custom Java code to work.
  • I've had a few headaches over the last year with upgrading the environments. They release new software versions relatively often. It's quite a hassle to keep all of the servers updated with the latest and greatest due to the somewhat complicated procedure of upgrading. Unless you wipe your server and start over, it isn't a point and click procedure.
  • When we demo our Jaspersoft environment to potential clients, their eyes light up and they sit up in their chairs a bit more. A lot of our meetings have ended with with the client very interested in our product due to Jaspersoft.
  • Our existing clients have been very satisfied with the adhoc features of Jaspersoft. We've been able to provide them better access to their data on their terms instead of ours. Of course this turns into a huge win for us.
  • We've always used SQL Server Reporting Services to deliver our reports to our clients. Converting to Jaspersoft has allowed us to generate the reporting layer that our clients demand. They no longer feel like they are settling for what we offer.
I'd recommend Jaspersoft to a colleague only if he/she and their team have time and resources available to get it up and running correctly. It isn't a point and click install and suddenly you have fully functioning reports. There is a process involved in server setup, maintenance and report generation and it will require some amount of time and investment in doing so. However, the end results will almost always eclipse the efforts involved.

Support and Training

I've had several issues using and implementing Jaspersoft over the last year. I've run into unique situations and strange bugs that seem to make no sense. Every time I've run into a brick wall on how to fix my issue, I've been able to create a support case with Jaspersoft and have a representative helping me within minutes. They've all been very knowledgeable about their product and every single issue I've had has been resolved. Granted, some of the issues took some creative solutions, but at the end of the day, I have a production environment that runs well and I know that if I run into any future issues, I'll have the assistance I need within minutes, not days.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response

Using TIBCO Jaspersoft

We've converted our library of reports to use Jaspersoft. Our clients have had a taste of Jaspersoft and we've had very positive feedback from those interactions. Our internal employees have had great success using iReports and JasperStudio to create very robust reports that better show the data our clients expect to see. Overall, our experiences with Jaspersoft have been great and it's proven to be a very good decision for the direction of our business.

TIBCO Jaspersoft Support

Yes - We use Jaspersoft as a software-as-a-service offering to our clients. We pay for the Enterprise solution which also comes with a support contract. The service has been at such a level that even if we did not require the Enterprise solution to fit our needs, the support alone would be worth the cost.
Yes - In the last year, I've submitted roughly 12 issues with Jaspersoft. Each and every issue has been addressed, researched and resolved. Several of them took a bit longer to resolve, but none of those issues were due to negligence or abandonment of my issue by Jaspersoft. My cases received responses within minutes of submission and my comments/questions were all answered within a very acceptable time frame.
Our implementation is somewhat unique within the Jaspersoft world, being that we are primarily a .NET shop and our host application is written entirely in .NET and C#. Our authentication model passes back secure tokens using custom java classes from Jasper to our .NET web application. We had several pain points supporting this after a few version updates from Jaspersoft. I was able to create a case with them and they went above and beyond what I expected for helping me out. Essentially, it was our problem due to the way we chose to implement Jaspersoft, but they still did everything they could to ensure that our issue was resolved. I was able to work with several Jaspersoft team members, including the Jasper developer that initially assisted us in writing our Java custom security class. In the end, our problem was solved and we were able to test and implement the latest version of Jaspersoft and are running with no problems.


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