iSpring Learn is a worthy product
June 26, 2024

iSpring Learn is a worthy product

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with iSpring Learn

We use iSpring Learn to distribute and educate the employees and clients on our software. Additionally we use its deeper LMS tools to help grow and maintain our knowledge of our employees as well as empower them to see their career path and have some insight into how they can grow and what progress they have been making.


  • The authoring tool has been invaluable to augment the training material in PowerPoint, what used to be either bland or would require arduous amounts of programming as become a far more simpler straightforward task.
  • Collating and tracking of employees by individual or department.
  • Delivering content to our many clients.


  • Permissions are not clear enough. There have been issues when new features are released. Perfect example is when the review system came online, no one thought to partition departments to prevent other managers from seeing reviews of employees in other departments. Gross oversights such as this rendered time we put into developing this as staple at the company caused a lot of headaches and never should have been released without more consideration.
  • Courses and catalog should not be hidden in the Additional Options under settings; it is counterintuitive for it not to be in the actual menu of the learning creation area.
  • Context sensitive rollovers would be nice as they would add a level of explanation as to what process may need to be completed for a task to be complete.
  • Training time is down. We have saved at least 72 hours of our trainer's time by making learning modules this year. By the end of the year it will be a over a week of time not spent in person training.
  • We have had mild success using the year review. We are hopin with permission improvements that this year will be smoother.
  • Having some basic courses such as harrasemnt and cybersecurity were a nice thing to offer our employees.
I can't give high enough marks for the speed and knowledge with which the support team has responded, even going so far as to take recommendations for your developers to improve the product.
I found that, for the price, the tools, and the usability, iSpring Learn had them all beat.

iSpring Learn had a higher level of adaptability; it was visually cleaners, and the users seemed to take to it well.

Others had a tendency to be very rigid in their pricing and had higher learning curves. As a growing company, I need to be able to teach others how to use and deploy features of the LMS. It has been slow, but this is usually the case when adopting new software.

Do you think iSpring Learn delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with iSpring Learn's feature set?


Did iSpring Learn live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of iSpring Learn go as expected?


Would you buy iSpring Learn again?


We have yet to fully employ the on-the-job training, but it is perfect for what we eventually want to deploy. It would be nice if the system allowed name changes to functions like that. OTJ really doesn't reflect our nomenclature of having a one-on-one with our employees to track their work progress. OTJ sounds like a term used to learn how to operate a fryer at a fast-food chain.

iSpring Learn Feature Ratings

Course authoring
Course catalog or library
Learning content
Mobile friendly
Not Rated
Progress tracking & certifications
Not Rated
Compliance management
Not Rated
Learning administration
Learning reporting & analytics
Social learning
Not Rated
Single Sign On (SSO) Enabled Learning
Not Rated

Using iSpring Learn

50 - Support desk, Q/A, Development, Implementation.
3 - Generally, I administrate the users, tests, and overall cohesiveness of the LMS. My assistant creates much of the learning content by my directives.

We mutually share iSpring Cloud responsibilities.

We also have an HR person who sets up new hires.
  • Training
  • Organization
  • Review
  • Building out full traininig and deliverable for clients.
  • Tracking and testing employees on their performance.
  • Keeping a history of departed employees.
  • Fully autimate the onbaording process.
  • Specficially develop learning courses per department.
  • Grow accountability of management to supervise their departments.
It is simply the best. As always we can all be better in everything and though I do have a few things I believe can be improved by iSpring Learn, overall it is an invaluable too.

Evaluating iSpring Learn and Competitors

  • Cloud Solutions
  • Scalability
  • Integration with Other Systems
  • Ease of Use
  • Other
The ability to create exceptional learning via the PowerPoint add-on.
Honestly I wouldn't change a thing.

iSpring Learn Implementation

Yes - 1. Getting employees in.
2. Creating departments.
3. Creating training materials.
4. Using iSpring Cloud with clients.
Change management was minimal
  • Learning nuanced, not obivous things, like catelog being in settings.
  • Clarity with reviews.
  • Video Learning repository, training seems hard to find when you first start out.

iSpring Learn Support

Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
I do not believe we need it or require it.
Yes - Usually, there is a workaround until development can make a long-term solution. This generally stems from not thinking out the new feature to its fullest.

Like iSpring, we are a software company, and at times, I do not think developers put themselves into the seat of a user.
I lost testing data for a level 1 support tech who was trying to become a level 2 tech. It was no one's fault that he closed his test, but we were able to pick it back up.

Vincent Cook was very interested in fixing the issue and finding out how it could be resolved, even asking for a test account to see what our user saw.

He even followed up days later to make sure everything was satisfactory.

Using iSpring Learn

Sometimes, things just aren't intuitive enough. For example, burying the catalog in the settings area makes no sense at all.

The same goes for permissions and year reviews. It was a massive oversight that really caused a lot of confusion for all of our managers. It caused distrust in the LMS simply because someone who designed and developed it did not think that an employee review should be private to them, their direct supervisor, or the supervisor above. Instead, ANY manager could read ANY employee review.

I have mentioned this several times throughout these questionnaires, and as you can see, I still find it incomprehensible that a company that wants to promote its software as a multifaceted solution could be so blind to something so critical, especially in terms of privacy.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Adding employees
  • Department creation
  • Content creation
  • Reviews
  • Catelog
  • Survey ending


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