I am a solo attorney without support staff. I particularly like the Insightly Gizmo that appears at the bottom of my incoming Gmail. It allows me to "touch it once" and make a Task List item when I first read the incoming email. I can then file the email in the client folder and remove it from my inbox. Similarly, I am able to set up a new "Opportunity" or potential new client from the initial email contact from that prospect. Then, I can attach links to the Opportunity to reference the Referrer, the Owner, etc. Also, when I send email to a representative of the potential client, particularly when I have attached documents, I use the unique bcc email address to direct that email to the Opportunity file within Insightly. The same process is true if/when the Opportunity is turned into a "Project" or new client. When a client telephones I can then click on the Project and see the history of our email communication and document delivery.
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