IFTTT will change your life, like it automated mine.
September 26, 2017

IFTTT will change your life, like it automated mine.

Justin Strachan | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with IFTTT

IFTTT is a seamless and intuitive automation platform that allows you to link the various APIs that different software use to communicate. This creates novel "recipes" that make the use of RSS feeds and group collaboration effortless. Also included are multiple smart home automation tools and apps that are designed by the IOT manufacturers. I really recommend this platform for both the solo blogger/freelancer and the midsize organization that wants to maximize the bang for their social media buck.


  • Application Automation.
  • Ideas to allow for new automation between old integrations.
  • Many new apps added regularly.
  • Pricing is free.
  • Multiple IFTTT accounts can contain the same integrated app profile.
  • No limits.


  • They could start making integrated apps that fill voids they see in their usage analytics.
  • They could promote themselves a bit better.
  • A IFTTT run version of the now defunct Yahoo pipes would always be nice.
  • AI that recommends API recipes based on the content you are pushing.
  • Replaces many hours staff would devote to social media
  • Many staff have reported finding more cost efficient APPS using the IFTTT directory.
  • Positive ROE is off the board as the service is free and many of the platforms were being used by us already if they required payment.
IFTTT has the most integrations, the least bug recipes and it is the cheapest alternative. IFTTT has also been in the game for years. Automation for the people! You cannot get the kind if ideas from any other integration site, and many are missing key apps like Instagram or Feedly.
- Business
- Recruiting
- Content Aggregation

Less Appropriate:
- Customer targeting
- Demographics
- Feedback
- Analytics

IFTTT Feature Ratings

Pre-built connectors
Connector modification
Support for real-time and batch integration
Data quality services
Data security features
Monitoring console


10 - Content aggregation, real-time news, team projects, support, sales and invoicing have all been seen reduction in both cost and hours spent on repetitive tasks.
5 - IFTTT can be used by the most computer illiterate staff, as long as they have the company logins and passwords relating to the integrated platforms. The recipe ideas that are generated by IFTTT can be pleasantly co-opted as their own.
  • Automation
  • Content Discovery
  • RSS Feed Aggregation
  • Team Collaboration
  • Integration ideas and new application discovery
  • Security
  • Reduced Staff Downtime
  • Increased GitHub produtivity
  • Application Development
  • Partnership
  • CMS site development
There is no better alternative and although Integromat is new and the GUI is slick, they make you pay per push and IFTTT does not. The rest of the competition make you pay per integration or are just not as seamless in usage or have the depth of catalogue. If you use Zapier for instance, it is because they have an integration you have to use, not because Zapier does a better job.

Evaluating IFTTT and Competitors

Yes - Zapier use was replaced whenever IFTTT on boarded the missing integration. Integromat is now being used as it seems to fire some RSS feeds faster per hour. I would not ever expect any competitor application to IFTTT to catch up with their catalogue or do the job cheaper, in the future.
  • Price
  • Product Features
  • Prior Experience with the Product
  • Third-party Reviews
IFTTT allowed us to fire 22,000 tweets to a twitter site in 20 days using a yahoo pipes generated RSS feed. IFTTT has been integrating may of our lives in business and personal scope for half a decade. The site is free and I have over 40 accounts, all with a different purpose.
IFTTT were the originals and they have not been copied effectively since. The evaluation is merely a list of disadvantages incurred using any competition to IFTTT. The process is evaluating the use of IFTTT in your organization and personal life. When you hear people mention using an alternative, it reminds me of bottled water from EVIAN.

IFTTT Implementation

Just try it for your own social media platforms. Then imagine how much money it can save/make.
  • Implemented in-house
I found the website looking for an API integration solution.
Change management was minimal - IFTTT can be implemented as slowly as you want to save money.
  • Laughter
  • Free time
  • Changes in job descriptions
  • Social media explosion

IFTTT Support

There is no need for support. The platform is fool-proof.
Quick Resolution
Kept well informed
Immediate help available
Support cares about my success
Poor followup
Problems left unsolved
Escalation required
Need to explain problems multiple times
Slow Initial Response
Every time I log in tto IFTTT and they have included the integration for an application I use, thus allowing me to sit and think of the different possibilities available.... I think the support that went into focusing on the API expansion is key, as the service does not break.


A child could use this application.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Recipe API ideas.
  • Loading your identity into the various integrations
  • Utilizing RSS feeds relevant to your niche or skillset.
  • App discovery
  • API development
  • Live support
Yes, but I don't use it - IFTT closed the two mobile apps it released because they did not add to the application experience, especially for the power-user.


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