Using iContact for Marketing to Professionals
November 21, 2013

Using iContact for Marketing to Professionals

Nathan Peters | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction


  • iContact provides great tools for managing my e-mail contact list
  • iContact allows me to focus on the message I want to send, rather than on the mechanics of sending it
  • iContact give me the tools to customize what I want to say and who I want to say it to


  • Much of the benefit in iContact depends upon setting it up properly at the start. If you begin without a clear idea of what you are doing, you'll have to go back and redo all of the work.
  • Much of the information regarding delivery effectiveness depends upon feedback that most corporate e-mail systems don't allow to be collected
  • The online message editor has a jerky, unstable feel to it. I prefer to write my message in outlook or a word processing application and then paste it into the editor to minimize the amount of work I have to do in it.
  • More efficient management of my e-mail contact lists.
  • Quicker and easier to send messages to contacts on my lists.
  • Easier to integrate social marketing into my marketing plans.
The application has satisfied me and lead to a visible increase in response rate to my e-mail marketing efforts. iContact allows me to share marketing resources with my colleagues. iContact has shown me that it is willing and able to develop new solutions to meet new opportunities, such as the development of social marketing tools. This gives me confidence that it will continue to be a valuable resource in the future.
Understand how you should organize your contacts to reflect the types of marketing efforts you want to undertake. Also think about how frequently you will be communicating with your contacts. Although iContact is designed for use by a non-IT marketer, there may be some opportunity to do even more valuable work by including IT resources. One example would be linking iContact to other existing applications for order management.

Product Usage

3 - Sales and Marketing. We are tasked with communicating by all available methods to both markets and individuals to explain our unique chemical safety consulting services and products.


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