Streaming Live analysis
February 14, 2019

Streaming Live analysis

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review

Software Version

Streams (On-Premises Version)

Overall Satisfaction with IBM Streaming Analytics

IBM Streaming Analytics is being used to analyze real time data. This is limited to the IT Department in analyses of logs and problem determination, analysis and resolution. Error logs are redirected to a stream of text DISK_ERRx (X, can be 1, 2, 3, or 4). Errors are either temporary or permanent. We are able to address the problem of determining and grouping errors into classes.


  • Streaming is able to perform analytics operations and pattern detection in real time on real-time data from multiple systems or sources.
  • IBM Streams allows for the ability to program and link to IDE for collaboration with other applications
  • Integration with Business Process Automation


  • Cost and platform availability
  • Integration with cognitive decision making and execution
  • Improvement in Graphical user interface
  • Ability to do more with less
  • Admins and data analyst can now focus on more thinking tasks
  • No negative impacts yet
IBM Streaming Analytics is well suited in cases where you have raw live data, the need to check data and react based on selected or identified metrics in a way to either prevent or take appropriate action in the way you would in a workflow process approver, reviewer scenario. Less appropriate for unrelated, random non patterned data

IBM Streams Feature Ratings

Real-Time Data Analysis
Visualization Dashboards
Data Ingestion from Multiple Data Sources
Low Latency
Integrated Development Tools
Data wrangling and preparation
Linear Scale-Out
Machine Learning Automation
Data Enrichment


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